Wind, Wind, wind.

carl69 Posts: 31
edited November 2012 in Road general
No nothing to do with a stomach complaint. Riding today in the Staffordshire moorlands and the wind was unbelievable. On a long steady downhill segment where speed is always above 20mph and up to 30mph without any real effort I was absolutely battering it and not getting above 12mph getting absolutely nowhere. Was riding laughing at how hard it was. Got in buzzing at how good a ride it was even though it was a lot slower than normal. anyone else been out and struggled through the wind today? Loads better than the turbo IMO.


  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    It's good resistance training, that's one of the beauties of training with power, watts is watts, no matter what :)
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    Gale force winds + rain makes it a "makes more sense to stay indoors rather than risk injury" day for me!
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    Wait until Saturday because it's looking like the eye of the storm.......apart from the fog.
  • Must admit, seriously windy conditions (such as we've got at the moment) keep me off the bike. Where we're situated there's no route out that doesn't involve heavy tree cover, and whilst that does give a degree of shelter from the wind itself, the constant pelting with bits of tree isn't really my cup of tea, especially given that some of the bits of tree in question are rather large (to the point of being "a whole one" on occasion).
  • Htron
    Htron Posts: 47
    I took the short route into work today. My main worry is a gust pushing me out into an overtaking car in a split second, as I usually get buzzed with 6 inches to spare at the best of times. I hope the weather calms down for my long weekend ride.
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Incredibly windy over here too. In fact, I've never experienced it so windy. I was literally being thrown about. I aborted my ride and did hill reps instead.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    I found it hard walking through town into the wind :shock:

    ..then i cursed myself for being ill as its a prime day for nailing some Strava segments :mrgreen:
  • FlacVest
    FlacVest Posts: 100
    IMO, I only love windy rides when I'm having a great day; resting for a week or a few days then going out and holding the same pace as I normally would is always a good time.
  • I found it hard walking through town into the wind :shock:

    ..then i cursed myself for being ill as its a prime day for nailing some Strava segments :mrgreen:

    Indeed!!!! I struggled against the wind this morning on my commute, but had some brilliant fun on the way home ;)
  • On Strines Moor near me the wind can be like cycling behind a 747.

    On the wind-blasted debris note - the other day I got hit by a twig, would have been a direct hit on my eye if I dind't have my shades on. Luckily it was a sunny day for it other I dread to think what could have happened.

    Always seems to be blowing against you though doesn't it? :(
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Nice comfy spinning session at the gym followed by swim and spa pool...
  • binsted
    binsted Posts: 182
    Went out today for first time in two weeks, wind was horrendous, looks like the same for a few days yet.
  • Raffles
    Raffles Posts: 1,137
    When I was out last night you could have seen me spinning away , gritting teeth and going about 8 mph......cycling in those kind of conditions sucks.
    2012 Cannondale CAAD 8 105
  • Yet today there's no wind, no rain, it wasn't cold.

    Hell, there was even sun on my ride in!

    Maybe it blew itself out overnight. *fingers crossed*
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.
  • I looked out of the window this lunch time, looked like no wind and the sun was out, so I thought it was a good chance for a 20 miler. Well I could not be more wrong. As soon as I got off my street the wind hit me and was constant for near 75% of the journey. Still managed 19.3 mph but for the first time my legs are aching tonight.

    I can't wait for a day with no high winds, it's been a while.
    Cipollini Bond
    Pinarello GAN