Facebook question...

garrynolan Posts: 560
edited January 2013 in The cake stop
..for all you techies lurking here. Sad part first - my wee sister sadly died 2 weeks ago leaving a wonderful gift - good part - of a 4 week old boy for me and the wife. My question is this - how can we edit my sisters Facebook page? We'd like to update some things on it. We'll be keeping it open to put photos of the wee man to enable her hundreds of friends to follow his progress as the years go on. Specifically want to change relationship status to just a blank space and the job description to 'Angel'. Naff, I know, but want it changed. Any ideas? Can't find anything helpful anywhere on the Facebook website. Ta. G.
Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!


  • rrsodl
    rrsodl Posts: 486
    That is so sad. It really hit me...... I'm sure you will be wonderful "parents" to the little boy.

    If you know the password then you can edit her profile and make the necessary changes.

    Good luck
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    I can't help on the Facebook set up, I just want to offer my deepest sympathy on the loss of your sister. My thoughts are with you and all your family.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Don't know about Facebook, but so sorry for your loss and good luck with bringing up the nipper.

    Make your sister proud!

    It's only a couple of weeks until you'll get that magic moment - baby's first smile.
  • Garry, deepest sympathies. That is such a shame.

    You log into FB

    and you will see a page that looks something like this


    Click either the name of your sister on the left or right.

    This will take you to a page which you can modify.

    Look for the link 'About"

    and it takes you to a details page where you can edit all of the personal details.

    To upload photos there is a large white text box with 'whats on your mind' written in it and a link for Upload photo/video above it.


    Just to add

    here is where the about link is

    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Just wanted to say good luck with the little one and how sorry I am to hear of your loss.

  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Best of luck mate.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • pipipi
    pipipi Posts: 332
    Sorry to hear that news, best of luck.

    If you don't have password, perhaps best thing to do is set up a new page in her name, and then post a link to that on the old page?
  • kieranb
    kieranb Posts: 1,674
    Sorry to hear of your loss, check this link ou:


    - so it seems you need to contact FB.

    Sad that a cycling death started it off.
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Deepest sympathies and good luck

    With regards to facebook, options available;

    You can memorialize their account which still allows friends to post on your sisters wall (edit: memorialize details in the above post)

    You can attempt to get the account password, this may be tricky and will involve accessing her emails which again needs a password. Many people have their passwords automatically entered on their own computers/tablets/mobile phones so you may be able to access her emails or facebook through one of your sisters devices. A smart phone would be the easiest as they generally stay logged in, from here you could access the account and change the password. Of course you may not be comfortable doing this but I think it's the only option if you want access and edit her page.

    Facebook will not honour requests for account login information
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    your emotions must be all over the place, don't know about facebook, but it's a great thing you're doing. Best wishes and good luck
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    Sorry to hear your news. Best wishes.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Hi Mate.

    E-mail facebook support.

    They have a whole function to deal with this situation.

    Sorry to hear that you have to do that.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    If you don't get any joy using the other ways, what about setting up a tribute page and send invites to all of your sister's friends (and only them - keep the profile private).
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    Hi Mate.

    E-mail facebook support.

    They have a whole function to deal with this situation.

    Sorry to hear that you have to do that.
    ^This. Although I read somewhere that they essentially locked an account of someones before. It's worth considering/asking about if you contact FB Support, especially if you wish to keep updating the account.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    My Sincere Condolences to you and your family.

    I hope everything works out for your and you new family member!
  • Thank you all for the replies to my question... but more importantly, thank you all for the kind wishes and thoughts. G.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • Don't suppose you know if she saved her passwords, so she didn't have to type it in each time she logged into facebook?
    If so, saved passwords can very easily be accessed through browsers - presumably it would still be on her personal computer.
    Presuming you have access to her personal computer, and presuming she used either Firefox, Chrome or internet explorer you can retrieve them like so

    Drop down arrow near logo in top left corner.
    Options again
    Saved passwords
    Show passwords

    Strange looking 3 horizontal lines near the top right corner
    Show advanced settings
    Passwords and forms
    Manage saved passwords
    click on relevant site

    Internet explorer (never done this, so might not work.)
    Click to open User Accounts.
    In the left pane, click Manage your credentials.
    Click the vault that contains the credential that you want to manage.
    Select the credential you want to manage.
    Click Edit, make the change you want, and then click Save.

    These passwords might still be saved even if they aren't auto completed on websites. It's worth a punt.

    Really sorry to hear the news for you mate. Mustn't be easy. Good luck with it all.
  • Thanks Ethan, will try that on IE. Her laptop is on the blink but hoping to get it sorted. If I can't, could I do this via her mobile? Thanks again. G.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • Hello again, thank you all for the previous help - all sorted. I now have a problem with my own phone and downloading photos from it... I hope someone can give me some advice. I have a Samsung Galaxy SII Plus (GT-i9001). When I plug it in with the charger it won't charge at all. However, if I plug it in using a USB cable in the laptop it charges. However (again), I get a pop-up in the bottom right corner of the laptop saying 'USB Device Not Recognised'. 'One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfuntioned, and Windows does not recognise it'. When I click on the pop-up another window opens showing my USB ports with one highlighted as an 'Unknown Device'. I've tried reconnecting the device but no difference.
    I have some photos I cannot lose (relating to my sister) so I don't want to give it to Vodafone as they will wipe them. Any ideas how to get the phone recognised or how to get the photos onto my laptop? Thanks in advance. G.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • graham.
    graham. Posts: 862
    Could you take the memory card out of the 'phone and conect it direct to your pooter via a card reader? I reakon that would work.
  • a lot of Samsung phones have the Kleis air app. This will allow you to access your phones documents through a wireless connection. You could copy the photos to a folder on your pc/laptop and upload to fb from there.

    Sorry for your loss
  • Hi Graham, I could do that except there is no SD card. Pictures on the phone. Thanks though - I hadn't thought of that as it was.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • a lot of Samsung phones have the Kleis air app. This will allow you to access your phones documents through a wireless connection. You could copy the photos to a folder on your pc/laptop and upload to fb from there.

    Sorry for your loss

    Hi Snoops, great idea. Is it too much to ask you to talk me through it? I've opened the Kies air on the laptop and have
    it all here - several headings - Photos, Videos etc. Stupid question time. Am I uploading from my phone or downloading to my laptop? I have different headings under photos - Camera, ScreenCapture, bluetooth and sdcard. If I tick the box under each one that I want what do I do next. I've clicked on Upload and nothing semed to happen. Same with clicking on download. Hope you can help and thank you for the comment re: my wee sister. G.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • I'm not the best at explaining but will give it a go. It's been a while since I gave it a go myself but as far as I can remember you start the Kleis Air app, choose whether you are using your home wifi or the phone as a mobile wifi hotspot. Then put the web address showing on your phone into the browser ie. http://192.168.1....... (from what i've read you have got this far :) ).

    It will bring a load of different boxes showing videos, pictures etc that are currently stored on your phone, go into the box you want and open the correct folder which will show you a thumbnail of each image/video.

    Tick the box to the top left of each file you want to transfer over, once you have highlighted all the files you want to transfer click the download button. Its above the thumbnails in the same box.

    This should bring up a pop up box giving you a choice of where you want to store it ie. my documents/pictures, videos etc.

    Click save/ok and they should transfer over.

    If all else fails and that does not work you can always right click on each individual picture and it will give the option of 'save as'. You can then set where you want to save it but if you have a few images/videos it may take some time.

    Hope this helps

    EDIT: Just had a go and worked fine on my laptop but just to wanted to warn you. When you have chosen the folder you want you may want maximise the box otherwise each time you move from page to page between images anything you have highlighted previously will be forgotten and only the images highlighted on the current page will be transferred over.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,040
    Garry, first off sorry to hear of your loss but hopefully bringing up the baby will be a constant reminder of your sister.

    With the phone I would just buy a micro SD card with the SD card adapter (about £10) then save your photos from the phone memory to that card. If it's the same as my SII then once you have the card in the phone go to application->myfiles->DCIM (which is where photos taken on the camera default to or look around for anything else you have saved) touch the left button which should then bring a menu up on the bottom of the screen. Select more then copy, select all the photos you want. This then takes you back to the main folder list, select the external_sd option and pick paste here.

    Alternatively, create a Photobucket account and then from the gallery application select all the pictures you want and send then make sure you are connected to wifi and share via Photobucket. I haven't tried this but I assume that the photos will then upload to a Photobucket account and you can download them to your laptop.

    Both options will then leave you with back ups if anything goes wrong. Hope this helps.
  • edit: posted in wrong section :oops:
  • Thanks very much lads. Have that sorted. Now... if only you could copy and paste I would stick a photo here of the wee man. Take care and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! G.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • Garry, deepest sympathies. That is such a shame.

    You log into FB

    and you will see a page that looks something like this


    Click either the name of your sister on the left or right.

    This will take you to a page which you can modify.

    Look for the link 'About"

    and it takes you to a details page where you can edit all of the personal details.

    To upload photos there is a large white text box with 'whats on your mind' written in it and a link for Upload photo/video above it.


    Just to add

    here is where the about link is


    Hi all (esp. Cleat), finally got around to this but still have one outstanding query... how do you change the 'Worked at' profile? I can edit everything else I need (Position held etc) but the actual job (which is Pharmacy Technician) doesn't appear to be editable(?). Any ideas? Ta very much. G.
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!