servicing question

blablablacksheep Posts: 1,377
edited November 2012 in Road general
So soon after this winter is finally over my cf ultimate slx will need a service.

I emailed canyon to see if they provide services as I thought having them service bike be good idea,but they don't.
So...where to get bike serviced from?
My lbs is OK with MTB but I just wouldn't trust them with this carbon 2k bike as I never seen them sell, let alone show these sorts of high spec bikes thus dout they get much practice servicing them Lol.

Thinking about Evans, I know my local store is very good but bloody expensive, any suggestions?
I'm located in north London en1
London2Brighton Challange 100k!


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Surely can't be too hard to find a shop near you that sells expensive bikes ?

    Fwiw the best work done round here is at the lbs that doesn't do any flash bikes at all.

    Having a carbon frame doesn't mean you need NASA to look at it.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    It's a bike, nothing more nothing less. It's not as though you need a specific diagnostic computer to help you (as in BMW or Ferrari servicing) so why not use the next few months to learn the basics? There really aren't that many: check the brakes (cables, blocks and setup), check the gears, drivetrain (chain wear, trim, chainring and cassette teeth), spin the wheels, turn the handlebars, check the tyres, etc. Shouldn't take that long (let's face it, most of the list above you should be doing fairly regularly anyway) and if you work out that specific jobs need doing that you don't feel up to (wheels need retruing, gear cable replacing, etc.) then you could always give those specific jobs to a bike shop you trust.
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    Buy a workstand, a full toolset and have a laptop to hand and get stuck in.

    Alternatively rent a mate with beer who knows their stuff to show you or goto to a workshop and learn. It isn't rocket science, especially a basic service, and soon pays for itself
  • my main issue with doing DIY is ofc with carbon the issues that can cause ie torque ect. Then ofc headsets and wheels id rather have a profssional do./ cost of tools.

    LBS wise i hate saying this, but how do you know if they actually done the work ?
    By this ofc the gears and shifting will feel better thats obvious but things like hubs re-greased /bottom bracket ect is harder to check unless you check before hand then re-check after they have done service.

    Also am i right in saying Canyon bikes arent that common, so i hope a LBS would still be able to understand them, ie headset isnt tightened the standard way but by torq key ect and little things like tht.(Basicaly i know if you working on low end bikes a lot sometimes you arent going to be as good/knowledgeable as someone working on higher spec components who allways working around them.)

    thts just my gripe/lol
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I do love the idea that you thought Canyon would service your bike. BUT HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THEY'D ACTUALLY HAVE DONE IT ?

    At the end of the day - its just a bike. Its really not that tricky. I've had CF bikes for years now and do most of my own stuff. I've never used a torque wrench and my bike is fine.