Looking after my FiveTen shoes...

portland_bill Posts: 287
edited May 2013 in MTB general
I wear FiveTen Freeriders and after a muddly afternoon at Hamsterley Forest yesterday they are absolutely caked in mud.

So far I decided just to let the mud dry and then use a stiff brush to get rid of the bulk of it but I just wondered how you lot keep them clean without ruining them or making them stink which is my experience of cleaning shoes in the past.


  • DodgeT
    DodgeT Posts: 2,255
    I just do the same and every now and then give them a good spray of odour eater stuff. I did spray a load of waterproofing spray on them a while back which seemed to help a little too.

    Best way to stop them smelling is to dry as fast as possible, cause if you leave them damp for ages, they will stink and probably rot. I stick mine in the airing cupboard (in a cloth bag) and they're usually dry in a day. Oh and take the insoles out.
  • I put my Freeriders in the washing machine every now and then, stuff with old newspapers after and they're good to go in no time.
  • clamps81
    clamps81 Posts: 315
    I put my Freeriders in the washing machine every now and then, stuff with old newspapers after and they're good to go in no time.

    Pretty much exactly this. Seem to be doing fine so far.
    Nukeproof Mega AM

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  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    I hose mine off when still wet
    Dry on radiator/airing cupboard stuffed with newspaper
    Brush off any remaining cack

  • Just use this stuff:


    Never need to wash them again :D
  • Where do you buy that stuff?

    Could fancy painting my bike with that!
  • thekickingmule
    thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
    Buy some waterproof spray from a shoe shop, that helps quite a bit. For the mud, I try to wash it off whilst washing the bike, and then leave them to dry. I need some odour eater spray for after though
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
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  • That's my main concern. My experience in the past of getting shoes wet usually ends in them smelling like a dead dog's arse.
  • MrM
    MrM Posts: 60
    Washing machine 30c
  • portland_bill
    portland_bill Posts: 287
    I know I'm a dick, but do you guys put detergent in the washing machine with them or not? I'm just worried coz last time I put a pair of trainers in the washing machine they smelled absolutely rotten from then on.
  • concorde
    concorde Posts: 1,008
    I just stuff them full of newspaper when wet and replace it a couple of times for the following few days. Just let the mud flake off.