Reluctant to move

bompington Posts: 7,674
edited November 2012 in Commuting general
Normally it doesn't bother me, there's a grim inevitability about the cold, the dark and the rain & I just get on with it, but right now I'm just sitting dallying here when I should be on the road.
Just as well the way I commute is by leaving the car at work, cycling home then back to work in the morning. So I have no choice.

Right, now that's off my chest, I'm off to pull on my wet gear and head out :?


  • I share your deliberation! I got another 10 mins, then I HAVE to move!
  • rubertoe
    rubertoe Posts: 3,994
    Your not the only one, I poked my head out the door this morning and was so close to stripping off my gear and getting back in bed!

    I hate these 5:45 get ups! roll on the 22nd december whan it starts to get light again!
    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

    PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
    B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Well, of course it's fine once you get out. Pretty mild for round here, wind was SE too, which means more or less perpendicular to my route, even a few bits with a tailwind. As well as a few with a headwind of course.

    Shame about the pothole which has squared my back wheel a bit badly. One spoke is very loose and quite distinctly bent - mind boggles at how great the extent of deformation of the rim must have been as it hit, I'm amazed and impressed that the tyre didn't blow.
    I'm no great expert on wheel truing but I'm a bit worried that'll be hard to straighten?
  • rubertoe wrote:
    Your not the only one, I poked my head out the door this morning and was so close to stripping off my gear and getting back in bed!

    I hate these 5:45 get ups! roll on the 22nd december whan it starts to get light again!

    Thanks for the reminder! You have really started my day off on a positive note as I didn't realise my pain will be over so soon.

    I'm finding it hard too. I think my non-descript journey into work is partly to blame. I hardly see any cars, people or other cyclists as they're all traveling in the opposite direction. When I was living in South West Londinium it was very different as it was a joy to join the throng of the daily peloton that is £20 million of blue paint (aka CS7.)
    Reporter: "What's your prediction for the fight?"
    Clubber Lang: "Prediction?"
    Reporter: "Yes. Prediction"
    Clubber Lang: "....Pain!!!"