
alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
edited November 2012 in The cake stop
So I'm sitting here with tonsillitis, staring out of the window into the blue sky, with dreams of what could have been :cry:

Don't think I could have picked a nicer day to be ill?


  • trooperk
    trooperk Posts: 189
    Oh,bet you find that hard to swallow. :)
    Specialized-The clitoris of bikes.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Im one of those people with a world record for getting tonsillitis... only tip Ive ever got is if you're gonna gargle anything to get rid of the pain then use Disprin, not soluble aspirin, branded Disprin actually works so so much better and really quickly too... can't stand having tonsillitis!!! Last time I had it 3 weeks long and was a wreck (it makes me delirious and shiver like a leaf), doc said 'we dont give penicillin out anymore, sit it out'. On my third trip to the docs after 'two weeks into it' he finally said 'think you better have penicillin'... 3 days of taking that and Im always 80% better, 5 days its gone. (doc looked up my records trying to count times Ive had it, stopped looking when he was saying 21,22,23) ...wish they'd taken the things out when I was a kid!

    Get well soon yeah
  • saprkzz
    saprkzz Posts: 592
    I can sympatize with you, I also suffer usually once a year with it. It is so blooming painful.

    My eldest daughter also gets it, i feel so sorry for her when she has it :( I got it Christmas day last year, had it all through the break and got better te day before returning back to work!!.. gutted

    Penicillin always works for me, like you say 3 days and your on the mend, although it give me the runs after.
  • mfin wrote:
    ...wish they'd taken the things out when I was a kid!

    There's no age limit you know. Just get them removed, problem solved.

    People that make generalisations are all morons.

    Target free since 2011.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    mfin wrote:
    Im one of those people with a world record for getting tonsillitis... only tip Ive ever got is if you're gonna gargle anything to get rid of the pain then use Disprin, not soluble aspirin, branded Disprin actually works so so much better and really quickly too... can't stand having tonsillitis!!! Last time I had it 3 weeks long and was a wreck (it makes me delirious and shiver like a leaf), doc said 'we dont give penicillin out anymore, sit it out'. On my third trip to the docs after 'two weeks into it' he finally said 'think you better have penicillin'... 3 days of taking that and Im always 80% better, 5 days its gone. (doc looked up my records trying to count times Ive had it, stopped looking when he was saying 21,22,23) ...wish they'd taken the things out when I was a kid!

    Get well soon yeah

    Unfortunately I thought I had Flu at first since I've never had tonsillitis before so I wasn't treating the sore throat in the right way, but its clearing up now.

    I can empathise with having an infection for 3 weeks though.. I had appendicitis last year, and 6 months after the op in October/Novemeber I got an abdominal infection related to it... ended up with 6 weeks of illness (+recovery time), and two stays in Hospital (the second for an operation) to clear it up.

    Its not nice waking up shivering and drenched in cold sweat!
  • Hope you have a swift recovery fella.

    I got it once at Christmas. Worst one ever, on my own in Cambridge, housemates had all gone home to family and I was on my own feeling worse than I've ever felt before or possibly since. Couldn't eat and could barely drink. Not fun.
  • The Ors
    The Ors Posts: 130
    mfin wrote:
    Im one of those people with a world record for getting tonsillitis... only tip Ive ever got is if you're gonna gargle anything to get rid of the pain then use Disprin, not soluble aspirin, branded Disprin actually works so so much better and really quickly too... can't stand having tonsillitis!!! Last time I had it 3 weeks long and was a wreck (it makes me delirious and shiver like a leaf), doc said 'we dont give penicillin out anymore, sit it out'. On my third trip to the docs after 'two weeks into it' he finally said 'think you better have penicillin'... 3 days of taking that and Im always 80% better, 5 days its gone. (doc looked up my records trying to count times Ive had it, stopped looking when he was saying 21,22,23) ...wish they'd taken the things out when I was a kid!

    Get well soon yeah

    I used to suffer from Tonsillitis 3-4 times a year. Went to the Doc and asked for them to be removed & he said at my age (45 at time) I needed to be suffering about 12 times/year before they would consider it!

    <not pleasant but might help regular sufferers>
    I had a troll around the 'net and found this: Checked my throat with a torch next time it started to get sore and could clearly see the 'stones' nestling in my tonsils. Now, every time I get a feeling of a sore throat I have a good clean-out (using salt water & small plastic syringe) & I have not had Tonsillitis for over two years!
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    The Ors wrote:
    I used to suffer from Tonsillitis 3-4 times a year. Went to the Doc and asked for them to be removed & he said at my age (45 at time) I needed to be suffering about 12 times/year before they would consider it!
    I had mine removed in August aged 45. But then I have BUPA cover from work and there was a chance that it was Cancer so they whipped them out. Mind you mine had been swollen for over 6 months as they were noticed on 2 separate scans but I had no pain and no symptoms.

    I certainly had pain for 10 days after the op :shock: It only kept me off my bike for 4 days though.