Increased my distance from 31 to 44 miles yesterday

Superbalicious Posts: 136
edited November 2012 in Road beginners
As per the title, yesterday I managed a 44 mile ride, alone, at an average of 15.5mph. Needless to say I'm quite pleased with myself.

I've just serviced my bike, with a full degrease with the chain removed and a new cassette (from 12-27 to 11-25) to go with the 52-39 upfront. The bike felt great; quieter, smoother almost like a different bike altogether. I'd definitely recommend Muc Off products.

I set a route on Garmin Connect, which I find very useful for exploring new roads, a few days before. The route took me up the Wirral peninsula taking in the delights of Parkgate (with a fair old climb back away from the coast, in my eyes at least) Caldy, West Kirby and Hoylake. Temps were between 2 and 4 degrees, which was still a bit low for my Woolie Boolie socks to cope with. Other than that the weather was quite pleasant, with only a slight headwind on the way back home.

I'd previously ridden 30 odd miles and felt that I could do more, so this new route was a test of that. I must admit the tops of my legs were starting to ache during the last 10 miles, although I hung in there and tried not to push myself and just enjoy the rest of the ride. Hence I was pleased with my average speed.

I completed the run with just a five minute stop, after about 30 miles, to eat a cereal bar. Stopping on a ride puzzles me as I wonder whether it affects my legs, allowing them to start to tighten up. Maybe if I hadn't stopped my legs would have felt better for the last 10 miles...?

As for the next challenge, well I'm tempted to try a shorter ride with steeper hills, as my stamina still seems quite low... Watch this space :D
Still trying to convince the missus of the n+1 rule...!


  • I wouldn't stop anywhere on the Wirral for the simple matter that stopping for too long vastly increases the chance of finding the frame up on bricks and the wheels missing. :lol:

    Stops can be a good time to have a stretch and a bit of a massage to work out any niggles. But stopping for too long means you have to warm up again and in hilly areas I find the stops at the top of a hill are a big no-no as the first thing to do when you get on again is a down hill and you freeze - not good!
  • Nice one.

    Stopping to eat is usually pretty sensible even though I hate doing just that.
    Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail

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  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    congrats, that is a good distance and cracking average.not far of a fifty.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    The only time i stop whatever mileage, is for a pee or puncture and i eat on the go. I've never quite understood it and on the very odd occasion i have stopped with friends my legs don't want to start again.
    If your legs feel good and you've got a comfortable rhythm i'd keep going, i think that you'll be surprised how far you'll get, just forget about your average speed and enjoy the ride and soon time will be the issue not distance.
  • Thanks for the replies. I purposely don't show speed on my Garmin, if I do I become to conscious of it. With just the map on show I forget about speed and enjoy the ride more. Determined to hit the 50 mark too, just depends on the weather for longer rides now :)
    Still trying to convince the missus of the n+1 rule...!
  • I'm the same as Bozman I find I can be riding great then if someone gets a puncture or we stop for more than 5 minutes I find it very difficult to get going again. Congrats on the 44 miles, Makes for an achievable target of 50!
  • FlacVest
    FlacVest Posts: 100
    Thanks for the replies. I purposely don't show speed on my Garmin, if I do I become to conscious of it. With just the map on show I forget about speed and enjoy the ride more. Determined to hit the 50 mark too, just depends on the weather for longer rides now :)

    I did that for about 2 weeks due to me not using my computer and relying on an iPhone app to tell me stats after the ride; just "feeling" it out with my body. It was nice.

    If you want to tart improving though, getting faster and increasing power and all of that, I'd try going slightly shorter rides and pushing yourself more; that's after you get comfortable of course, if that's something you'd like to do.

    I don't have as much time as I'd like to ride, so when I do get my 2 weekend rides in, I'll try and do a ~25 or so mile trip at 85 or so % the entire time; but of course, I like feeling like crap when I ride.

    Whatever works for you; I only do that because I like the feeling of pushing my body. I did immensely enjoy the 30 mile club ride at a ~16 mph pace though :)
  • I did a similar thing yesterday! My previous furthest distance was 36 miles so I was aiming to do 40 on my day off but a few wrong turns meant that I did 44.

    I felt good! I'd been a bit worried that I'd get tired as in the past I've felt dreadful from about mile 30 so I took quite a bit of food which I didn't finish. Ate a handful of jelly babies and a banana and felt good enough to sprint along the main road home.

    Brilliant fun, even in the mist.