Voting today??



  • People have every right to complain - who asked for the commissioners?

    You must have missed it as its in the election manifesto - no doubt something else you wouldn't read then try and pretend its not your fault ?

    It would only be his fault *if* he voted in favour of said manifesto, surely?
  • Also, the race is on to find if there is a polling station in the UK that did not receive a single vote - a distinct possibility!
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • I have always held the opinion that if you don't vote you cannot criticise. However, yesterday I spoilt the paper. As a cop and MOP I took an interest but I still can not understand what some of the candidates are about and some are a joke. I don't want a politicised police service.
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Can't believe people on a web forum are wittering about not receiving any voting pamphlets etc through the door so CBA to vote. It's 2012 FGS. Go on the internet and do a bit of looking things up. Took me all of 5 seconds to find out who was who in ours.

    Turnout round our way was pitiful. We were numbers 78 & 79 to vote, at just after 9:00pm. I don't think whoever wins can claim to have a mandate by getting 30-odd percent of a 14% turnout. It's hardly a ringing endorsement is it?
  • People have every right to complain - who asked for the commissioners?
    You must have missed it as its in the election manifesto - no doubt something else you wouldn't read then try and pretend its not your fault ?
    Since when did we have the opportunity to pick and choose individual policies at General Elections?
  • CiB wrote:
    Can't believe people on a web forum are wittering about not receiving any voting pamphlets etc through the door so CBA to vote. It's 2012 FGS. Go on the internet and do a bit of looking things up. Took me all of 5 seconds to find out who was who in ours.
    I'm only 39, but this is the first time I've been through any sort of election with precisely zero contact from any of the candidates. Nothing. We get plenty of stuff through even for local council elections from candidates who've not got a prayer, but this was a complete blank. It just added to the impression that even those standing for election didn't really give a crap about it.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    CiB wrote:
    Can't believe people on a web forum are wittering about not receiving any voting pamphlets etc through the door so CBA to vote. It's 2012 FGS. Go on the internet and do a bit of looking things up. Took me all of 5 seconds to find out who was who in ours.

    That's all very well and good for you, but we still live at a time when for various reasons not every eligible voter has access to the internet. We need to inform people in which ever way is best suited, otherwise aren't we in danger of denying a lot of people information which some, like yourself, can find out in 5 seconds.
  • I think the biggest fail so far is the Lib Dem candidate in an Oldham ward council by-election who picked up a ballot box-busting 26 votes (!)
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    I think the biggest fail so far is the Lib Dem candidate in an Oldham ward council by-election who picked up a ballot box-busting 26 votes (!)

    Not so fast, I believe they are currently having a recount.
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    I think the main issue was the fact that the remit and responsibility of the PCC role was never really made clear itself, rather than the lack of information provided by candidates themselves.

    If I hadn't done my own research I wouldn't have known who I was voting for, or what they would be doing!

    In fact I'm still not 100% clear what they will actually be doing!
    Police and crime commissioners (PCCs) will ensure the policing needs of their communities are met as effectively as possible, bringing communities closer to the police, building confidence in the system and restoring trust. More about the role of the PCC.

    PCCs will make and influence key decisions that will impact on how your local area looks and feels - from CCTV, street lighting and graffiti to tackling gangs and drug-dealing.

    Their job is to listen to the public and then respond to their needs, bringing more of a public voice to policing and giving the public a name and a face to complain to if they aren't satisfied.

    What does that really mean in reality?
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    As i understand it there is/was a board that sat above the local police force made up of 7 magistrates 7 local councillors and I think the Chief Inspector. They would act as a body to keep the local force in check and ensure that the needs of the people were met by the force.

    This body has been disbanded and replaced by the PCC - who will do exactly the same but can also sack the Chief Ins if certain criteria happen - like unsatisfactory performance on targets etc. They can suggest policies but cannot enforce anything that is still the Chief Insp's job. However I would like to bet over the years their powers will grow and it will become an politicised position.

    I agree that there has been sod all profile of the PCC election - but to say no one knocked on my door is ridiculous - I live in Lancashire to expect each applicant to knock on millions of residents doors is unrealistic. I had a look at the mypcc website, read the profiles of my 4 people. Only one made a comment about not wanting to politicise the police and that he intended to hold surgeries like an MP to ensure he hears peoples views so he got my vote - the others just rolled out the usual "tough on gangs, drugs and anti-social behaviour" lines.
  • What dismal turn-outs!
    Manchester's by-election had turnout of 18.16 percent, the lowest in a parliamentary by-election since the second world war!
    With 89,519 registered voters, that gives Powell a seat in Parliament on a "mandate" from 12.9 percent of the electorate.Talk about voting for "None of the above!"
    Dear Lucy's comment "I am absolutely thrilled. It is a really emphatic vote for Labour. That is a clear endorsement of Labour and a major rejection of the Tory-LibDem government".
    It's a major rejection of the whole political process.
    A higher percentage of the electorate voted in the Wiltshire police election, a 15.8 percent turnout.
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • mr_poll wrote:
    As i understand it there is/was a board that sat above the local police force made up of 7 magistrates 7 local councillors and I think the Chief Inspector. They would act as a body to keep the local force in check and ensure that the needs of the people were met by the force.

    The Police Authority minutes were also a matter of public record. AIUI no such a requirement exists for PCC's just a re-election after 4 years - (s)he must be quaking in their boots.
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • I voted 'cos the polling station was in my local pub. Cast the vote, then pop into the lounge bar for a quick pint. That's democracy in action.

    I think it's actually not a bad idea. I will now be able to contact a face I can put a name to and bombard them with emails about dog sh!t and the fecking lunatics who try and overtake me on the single-track bridge as I cycle to work.
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    I can't wait to hear how this government is going to turn what has been a disastrous idea into being a fantastic success, because I'm sure they won't admit that they've c0cked up :roll:
  • First confirmed polling station with zero turnout is in Newport, Gwent. Expect others.

    From BBC News:
    Turnout in the PCC election was 12.9% in Merseyside, 13.3% in Thames Valley, and 13.5% in Greater Manchester. These figures include spoilt ballot papers.

    Emphasis mine.
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • I'm opposed to the introduction of PCCs but decided to vote for my two independent candidates, after looking at their manifestos online, rather than let the local Tory/Labour bigwig win on a political ticket. If there had been only party representatives I would probably have taken the trouble to spoil my paper, because the polling station is only two minutes from my house.

    I would be interested to know whether there's any correlation between turnout, spoiled papers and the presence/success of independent candidates in the various regions. Will any of the media do that analysis?
  • It's a major rejection of the whole political process.

    This. Hearing Milliband yabbering on about it being an endorsement for Labour had me changing the radio station sharpish, does he actually believe what he says I wonder? I'd love to know just how low turnout has to go before all politicians get the hint.
  • this made me smile on such a grand day for our lords and masters.

    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • If the average turnout has only been about 18% that means whoever wins is certainly NOT the popular choice and as such has no kind of mandate.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • I've never really been convinced of the effectiveness of e-petitions but this one might be worth a go...

    not many signatures so far though :(


    EDIT: To summarise, the petition is to say "My vote was a "No" vote"
    People that make generalisations are all morons.

    Target free since 2011.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Regarding the leaflets etc, I vaguely remember seeing something on newsnight that said they weren't allowed to leaflet or do mailouts.

    Only face to face canvassing was allowed.

    I think.
  • It's a major rejection of the whole political process.

    This. Hearing Milliband yabbering on about it being an endorsement for Labour had me changing the radio station sharpish, does he actually believe what he says I wonder? I'd love to know just how low turnout has to go before all politicians get the hint.

    I agree. Do you think the voter apathy in the by election is down to people thinking (rightly or wrongly) there is no real choice and their vote no longer really matters. As Parliament is now just about an elite club for a bunch of pals who are seemingly getting further removed from the masses!
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • All very depressing - we voted late and having spoken to the returning officers worked out that our turnout was an impressive 13% !!! Trouble is if so few turn out nobody can really complain about the consequences. If you don't want the PCC to be politicised then go for the independents - it might only seem a small thing, but, really the only way to make a point. Judging by the results a lot of people felt that way. We get sod all chance to do anything in this country so sulking and spoiling ballot papers doesn't really help. However much you feel it will make no difference you should vote on any and every occasion you can. Might seem boring in this day and age, but, people died for this right and if the majority aren't prepared to get off their fat arses then they get what they deserve.
  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    All very depressing - we voted late and having spoken to the returning officers worked out that our turnout was an impressive 13% !!! Trouble is if so few turn out nobody can really complain about the consequences. If you don't want the PCC to be politicised then go for the independents - it might only seem a small thing, but, really the only way to make a point. Judging by the results a lot of people felt that way. We get sod all chance to do anything in this country so sulking and spoiling ballot papers doesn't really help. However much you feel it will make no difference you should vote on any and every occasion you can. Might seem boring in this day and age, but, people died for this right and if the majority aren't prepared to get off their fat arses then they get what they deserve.

    There seem to be two major problems with this vote 1. a minority of people voted for the party who had it in their manifesto and 2. the reasons for changing to an elected PCC have not been explained.
    I totally agree with the 'use it or lose it' attitude to voting but in this instance it alll seemed so unnecessary.
  • I didn't vote today because i forgot, but...
    ... this did seem like a good vote on which to coordinate a 'none of the above' type vote. I was impressed by a spoilt paper saying 'Do not politicise the police'

    Perhaps the next best thing to this is to have such a poor turnout that the winner cannot claim a mandate.

    Dont forget though neither Thatcher nor Blair had a majority of the voters and it didn't stop them!
  • More spoilt ballots than votes for the LibDem candidate in Coventry, they lost their deposit in Corby
    Best spoilt ballot ever?
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • Ginjafro
    Ginjafro Posts: 572
    I actually voted, definitely ruling out any of the big three Political parties, because I don't want the PCC to be politicised. I (wrongly) assumed the general feeling amongst anybody who considered or could be bothered to vote were thinking likewise, so was quite surprised that 75% of those elected were Tory & Labour, the rest being Independents. The other surprise, despite my "research" into candidates and their manifestos was when I went to the Polling Station, I had a choice, Fek! I had never considered a 2nd favourite. Also the wording on the ballot paper was ambiguous in that it failed to clarify whether or not if I placed the same candidate as both 1st and 2nd preference would invalidate my vote...In the end I just stuck to one choice and ignored a 2nd preference.

    Overall, I thought the whole process was well, just shite.
    Giant XTC Pro-Carbon
    Cove Hustler
    Planet X Pro-Carbon