Not just for whingeing...

tomhowells Posts: 171
edited November 2012 in Road beginners
So, in April I bought a BSO from Halfords, an Appollo Code hybrid. I know, my fault!
I primarily bought a cheapie to see if I had the wherewithal to continue commuting, rather than waste a grand on something I put in the shed after a month.

Anyway, I have used it for about 2-3 days a week for my commute, 10 miles each way, mainly roads, & in the main, it's passable. It works. It gets me to work & back. Usually. I swapped the tyres over to Vittoria Rubina's, and it makes a massive difference.

Anyway, I digress. I was cycling home on Monday & the rear cassette stopped engaging the rear wheel - I could pedal, but there was no drive to the back wheel. Cue a phone call home for the pick up. Seeing as the bike was still under warranty, I called Halfords Customer Care, expecting the run around, having heard so many stories about Halfrauds.

They couldn't have been nicer, telling me to take it to any Halfords with my receipt and it would be fixed, free of charge. It was then I explained I couldn't find the receipt. No problem, just take it in, it would still be fixed.
Took it in to Halfords Alperton at lunchtime, the guy in the bikehut area was as nice as pie, said he'd take a look & give me a call later. Around 3 o'clock, got a call saying it was all fixed, they had put a new rear gear cable on & tightened up the brakes as well. Pick it up when I'm ready. Picked it up, everything worked as it should.

Not a very interesting story, I grant you, but I thought I would post giving Halfords some credit where it was due. It seems just recently that every other post I have read has been slating someone or other. Just thought I would I spread the love for a change.

BTW, I blame Wiggle. :D
Boardman 8.9 SLR - Summer
Holdsworth La Quelda - Commuter
Moda Intro - Winter
Planet X Stealth - TT


  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    The fact that it fecked up in the first place is bad enough. Goes to show how they sell cheap, unreliable bikes for profit. They basically just stuck some gum and sent you back off on it so you don't try to get a refund or complain.
  • I was pleased with the service received from Halfords when I bought a hardtail for Mrs Potatoes.
    A really good deal as well.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    Cheap BSOs do have their uses, such as seeing if you can commute in the Autumn/Winter before splashing out on something nicer.

    I'm surprised that putting on a new gear cable and adjusting the brakes fixed the problem though. It sounded like the freehub (or freewheel cassette) was broken. At least it's fixed now.
  • Sorry, I didn't explain myself properly - it was the freewheel cassette that was broken, they replaced that & did the other stuff as well while they were there, gratis. Just thought it was good service, no fuss, pleasant & knowledgeable staff. All the things they are usually slated for not being.

    Thistle, that is exactly the reason I got the BSO. :-)
    Boardman 8.9 SLR - Summer
    Holdsworth La Quelda - Commuter
    Moda Intro - Winter
    Planet X Stealth - TT
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    Op i agree with you.I,ve bought form halfords and the service has always been good and helpful.There,s a lot of snobbery about halfords but a cheap bike from halfords has been a stepping stone for many cyclists.As with most things in life there,s good and bad every where and as the op says,credit where it is due.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Good of them to fix it but it's the least you'd expect tbh. When a cassette starts freewheeling in both directions it's only because the pawls in the ratchet aren't slotting back into place. If a kettle full of boiling water doesn't resolve it, a 10 minute strip down and clean will.

    TakeTurns is being a bit disineguous though with that criticism - I've had exactly the same with an Ultegra casette after a few weeks of winter use. It's the environment, not the quality of the components.
  • Cheers CiB, that's good to know. The guy actually said that when he took it apart, the bearings were full of crap & grit - obviously my maintenance routine needs looking at! He showed me where I need to concentrate on cleaning more!
    TBH, I would rather learn about basic maintenance/fault finding on my first cheap bike than when I spend big on my new steed. :-)
    Boardman 8.9 SLR - Summer
    Holdsworth La Quelda - Commuter
    Moda Intro - Winter
    Planet X Stealth - TT
  • That is the sort of bike that is designed to do like 10 miles a year :)