Dropper Seatpost Development

Conor-Craig Posts: 3
edited November 2012 in MTB general
Hi All!

My name is Conor Craig from MADMTB in Dublin, Ireland. I’m currently in my final year of my Mechanical Engineering Degree and as part of one of my modules I am doing a project on Dropper Seatposts. This project involves designing our own Dropper Seatpost, and then developing a business plan to manufacture, market, distribute and sell this product while developing a sustainable business.

With this in mind I am currently conducting market research into the topic of dropper seatpost. I would hugely appreciate if you all could take the time to fill in this survey, it won’t even take 5 minutes and you don’t need to own a Dropper Seatpost to complete the survey! In fact, the opinions of those who do not own a Dropper Seatpost are just a useful as those who do own them.
Your time and input is very much appreciated and I am very thankful.

Survey Link - https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DIT-Dropper-Seatpost

Thanking you all in advance,

Conor Craig
