Would you help me please. :-)

magibob Posts: 203
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
Hi Folks.

I live in Mallorca, and have a meeting with the local council next week.

Part of the discussion will be about cycling on the Island and I am doing a quick bit of research. I have put together a short survey on the subject here:- http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y2VWHZM

Would you mind giving a few minutes to answer a few quick questions about your thoughts on cycling destinations abroad. Everything will be completely anonymous, and no-one will spam you afterwards.

Any input sincerely appreciated.




  • magibob
    magibob Posts: 203

    Thanks so much for the people who have answered already.

    If any more people can find 5 minutes, it would be muchly appreciated.


  • Hi
    Where are you in Mallorca? Whats the meeting about positive or to do with the local press giving it a bad name lately? I live in Sa Pobla up near Alcudia?
  • magibob
    magibob Posts: 203
    Hi Jeff.

    I live in Palmanova.

    The meeting came about because I've been pretty visible recently to our local councillor. Hopefully it will be positive.

    There's lots of stuff up for discussion. Part of it, is that she put on facebook that Manu Onieva, (the local mayor,) had announced lots of measures to extend the season. Part of it was to attract more cyclists and walkers. Apparently, they had produced 80,000 leaflets.

    I asked her a few questions. It wouldn't be fair to put the whole of my private message to her on here but part of it was...
    "These 80,000 leaflets. Who designed them, are they any good? Were they designed by the same person who did the website? Are they going to be given out at these trade shows by people who know the cycling/walking market and are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what we here can specifically offer? Are they going to be used at "market specific" trade shows? What is the biggest cycling trade show in the UK and in Germany, and will we have a representative there? Or will they just be stuck on the side of a desk or dropped into a goody bag at a Tui show and ignored by everyone?"

    Well, credit to her, she has asked me to meet up with her and another councillor to discuss the situation. I wanted to find out more about the market, (Which is more I suspect than the council has done, but I could be wrong.)

    I feel that at last someone is trying to attract more people over here. Partly by improving what we have to offer, and partly by getting the message out to people of what we have to offer. After all, if it's good enough for Bradley Wiggins.... :D

    BTW. I will put the results on here once it's over if anyone's interested. 26 responses so far, thanks guys.

    BTW, Anyone coming over here, particularly to the south west of the Island, feel free to give me a shout and I'll happily tell you the restaurants and bars that the locals go to, and point you, if you are interested, towards what's happening on the island. Only thing, as a 50 mile maximum a week guy, I can't help you with serious cycling advice.


  • magibob
    magibob Posts: 203

    Massive thanks to everyone who helped with this.

    Had really interesting meeting with the council people a couple of days ago. Hopefully things will be improved even more for cyclists coming here.

    If anyone has any interest in cycling holidays and would like a copy of the results from this snapshot survey, (30 respondents,) just drop me a message with your email and I'll send you the results.

    My earlier offer still stands. If you are coming to the Mallorca, or considering doing so, and would like some info about good places to go, restaurants, entertainment etc, again drop me a message of what you are looking for. I am South-West based, so have better knowledge of this side of the island.

    Merry Xmas to you all.
