Did anyone get a bike from KB Cycles sale today?

Carl170 Posts: 99
edited November 2012 in MTB general
Just a bit of background first...

KB Cycles in Newburn (Newcastle Upon Tyne) got flooded about 6 weeks ago, and then looted shortly after that.

They managed to buy back 300 water damaged bikes and were selling them on at up to 70% off in Blaydon from an industrial estate unit. I think the biggest bargain was a £9700 bike for £2500.

Anyway, even at 2:30 AM this morning, there was a large queue forming. At 9:00, the queue of people was 600 metres long, and cars were queueing outside the industrial estate, blocking the main road outside. Most of us just gave it up as a bad job!

Did anyone manage to get in and get a bike? One guy posted he had queued for 12 hours, but manged to get the bike he wanted.

If you got one, post it here with a pic if possible.




  • Yeah, I got there about 8.30am and queued till 12.30 to get in.

    I just wanted a cheap hybrid to last me over the winter so ended up with a Dawes discovery 201 for £119.

    There wasnt much in the way of bike left when I got in, but plenty of cloths, tyres and other stuff going cheap. I just got me bike and got out, was wanting to get home and warm in the end!
  • Wow. I considered going along this morning for some shoes (having all been advertised as £10) but there's no way on gods good earth I would queue from 2:30am getting cold, wet and bored for water damaged footwear! Madness.
    Its commendable all those who did.
    I do wonder, however, how much of the merchandise bought will be on eBay this weekend in an attempt to make a little profit...
    Society is like a stew. You have to stir things up now and again otherwise the scum will rise to the top.
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    I'd have done it for a proper bargain. Water damaged shoes is nothing really is it, they're only going to get wet on their first ride anyway.
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • Got to the sale at 05.00. and found I was 20th in the queue. I found it a little chilly but not too bad. Went without a serious target to be honest, would consider a full carbon road bike or a decent off road/ hybrid for travel to work in the winter. Got my hands on a Scott cr1 to start with but after a little consideration changed it for a Scott foil 30 in yellow. Cost £1099. Also picked up a pair of shimano carbon graphite shoes in blue/silver for £10. Overall very happy with my purchases and the way the sale was run. Well done to all the staff. :D
  • nice one, wish i had got there a little earlier for a bit more choice.
  • there at 05.00 got some assos gear and shimano shoes and some other bits and pieces well pleased huge queue as i drove out!
  • Managed to get a Scott Voltage Fr10 for £699 for my son and Mavic razors for a tenner . Queued from 7.20am but worth it ! Lots of disappointed looking traders knocking about after it was maecclear it was one bike per customer .