Man Down!

Widgey Posts: 157
edited November 2012 in Commuting chat
Another person to add to the list of accidents this month!

I was cycling along here,+Clifton,+Bristol&hl=en&ll=51.469114,-2.614102&spn=0.017778,0.045447&sll=51.465157,-2.60509&sspn=0.00889,0.022724&oq=whiteladies+road&hnear=Whiteladies+Rd,+Bristol+BS8,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=51.469011,-2.614032&panoid=CM0csmpM8lyK9rDvKav1TA&cbp=12,153.98,,0,1.47 in a strong primary position, last night around 19:35. Where the junction is, a car decided to turn down the road beside the Tesco, they pulled across about 20metres or so in front of me. Upon seeing myself, they decided to stop in the middle of the road. I grabbed my brakes, and due to the drizzle didnt slow down enough and collided with the car. Hit the car on the front wing/headlight and then flew over the bonnet. As its downhill and I had some speed going, cleared the car and landed somewhere in the road, no idea what happened to the bike, must have bounced off somewhere. I think from my injuries that I rolled on the road.

Paramedics called, police called, lots of passersby came to assist, of which, thanks to everyone that did. Ushered into Tesco and sat down, blood coming from leg, face, arm and whisked off to A&E.

Luckily nothing broken but a shed load of bruising. Got a very bad bruise on right thigh and lower back. Road rash on left shin (needed gluing) and right elbow. Stitches in chin and busted lip and swollen left side of face. As well as most other joints hurting. But considering the speed im lucky, forget about winning the lottery!

Bike = totalled. Quick check this morning, buckled front wheel, forks bent out of shape, handlebars twisted, cranks bent out of shape, broken spokes on rear wheel, rear mech twisted somehow. I think the only thing that looks as it should are the seatpost and seat.
It was a fairly cheap Alu bike, and used for my "wet" rides..

Still im happy and chirpy, sitting down is a problem!

P.S. Can someone tidy up the link, or let me know how...
