Alcohol is bad news when getting fitter

sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
edited November 2012 in MTB general
I had 2 glasses of wine last night and woke up with the worst hangover what's that all about? I used to go out every weekend on the binge and sink drinks no problem . Now that I haven't been going out drinking that much and been going out most Sundays for a ride and watching what I eat it now I'm a bit fitter I can't drink for poo poo

Anyone else had this problem
When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

De rosa superking 888 di2


  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217

    The beginnings of old age.

    Less beer = more money to spend on bikes anyway.

  • sigorman85
    sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
    True lol I'm only 27
    When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

    De rosa superking 888 di2
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    I'm convinced that i'd be some sort of racing snake if i didn't drink...
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • Rushmore
    Rushmore Posts: 674
    People are cyclists and also drink???
    Always remember.... Wherever you go, there you are.

    Ghost AMR 7500 2012
    De Rosa R838
  • I've had 10 weeks off it. Don't feel any better.
  • sigorman85
    sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
    Have a few then say it in the morning
    When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

    De rosa superking 888 di2
  • A few beers sees me very well off, so luckily I never have any hangovers. I find a beer every now and then very nice, but just hate the calories it has.
  • ah, the beer diet debate!!!! I love my beer and find I ride faster when pissed!!! In fact at thia years mega I had a few nights on the piss spent a couple of hours in bed got up and thouroughly enjoyed myself.....without falling off.
    The only downside was the hangover and not being able to ride all hit the wall big style!!!!

    I am now trying to cut down how much I drink and dieting and exercising more.......the downside is that I just dont feel as fit as I should. I feel sluggish and get tired too easily. It makes me want to ditch the healthy living all together!!!!
  • It's age pure and simple. Used to quaff like Richard Burton the night before dialysis. Almost overnight I felt like I was having a stroke. Had paramedics standing over me shouting " clear", and all because I can't handle my hooch anymore. Decided to put the Sancerre on the back burner, bought myself a Voodoo and started banging out the miles for the first time since I proudly walked out of the bike shop with my Claude Butler Pagan in '89.
    Voodoo Hoodoo
  • Leffe Blonde. That is all.
    Specialised Camber Comp 2011
    Boardman Comp Road 2011
  • I don't miss the drink really. I have a few with friends now and again if it's a friends birthday or an important occasion, but I just don't find I can really afford to go out drinking every weekend as I've got bills to pay and getting around to trails does tend to mean I spend more time at the petrol pumps. We split the bill or we have a drink as a reward after the ride, but nothing heavy. Friends have got families and that sucks up the spare cash or work so much you just sometimes want to chill with your gf. We tend to be social in our hobbies rather than at the pub.
  • If you don't drink how do stop the shaking in the morning?
    pity those who don't drink, the way they feel when they wake is the best they will feel all day

    voodoo hoodoo
  • EH_Rob
    EH_Rob Posts: 1,134
    I rode with a stinking hangover on Saturday, and as well as not being able to concentrate properly I was constantly paranoid about falling off. Not pleasant!
  • Mccraque
    Mccraque Posts: 819

    I did a 12 hour binge at Twickenham on Saturday and then got up and raced the Gorrick yesterday.

    Mind you...I felt shit and cramped up badly. :shock:
  • pilch
    pilch Posts: 1,136
    Red wine, in moderation is actually quite good for you... my problem is moderating it
    A berm? were you expecting one?

    29er race

    29er bouncer
  • Newfish
    Newfish Posts: 121
    I've almost stopped drinking now so that I enjoy my weekend rides that little bit more. Lost almost a stone I recon as well. Did have a proper bender saturday night though and plan to do my biggest ride yet tomorrow...we shall see how this works out. :D
    2012 Spesh Rockhopper
  • sigorman85
    sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
    Some good stories here!
    When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

    De rosa superking 888 di2
  • I used to be a 6/7 pint a night and then a massive binge on a Saturday from the age of 18 to 23. Then my Kidney took a massive dislike to all the booze and i ended up cutting the booze for 2 years and started smoking instead. Although the smoking is more social than regular thing or as a reward after a good ride or after work etc.

    I have started drinking again but in moderation or with a meal. Maybe have a glass or two of wine with te missus when we're off and maybe a night out once a month. But if im drinking i now have two bevvies then a glass of water.

    And girlfriend tells me to piss off out on the bike to get rid of a hangover while she has a whip round th house with a hoover :)
  • plugp7
    plugp7 Posts: 298
    Everything in moderation. If you fancy a few sweet sherries the night before a ride then go for it. If you start to cut things out you enjoy the night before a ride then pretty soon you'll be believing you need to carb up before the big ride and wanting to train between rides. Now that's OCD.
    Cotic Soul 26 inch. Whyte T130