Majorca at Easter - Weather and whats open?

rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
edited November 2012 in Road general
I'm hoping to go to Majorca next Easter for a training camp, but I'm a bit worried about the weather (too cold? rainy?) and whether the bars etc will have opened and got going yet?

Don't want to go somewhere cold and dead

Does anyone have any experience here?


  • By easter it will be in the low 20c during the day and everywhere will be open people train in Majorca right through the winter
    if your unlucky you might get some rain showers which quickly dry up. I usually go towards the end of May and it can be up in the 30's in the afternoon
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Easter is last weekend in march next year though - still confident on those temperatures?
  • giropaul
    giropaul Posts: 414
    Mid to late March used to be the classic training camp time. 20 years ago or so the weather was very reliable.
    It's a tad less reliable now, just as all of Europe's weather is, but in 2 weeks you'd be very unlucky not to get enough good days. However, if it's a training camp you're after, that's still the time to go in my view, later and it's too late to get back to the start of the racing season.
    Pretty well everywhere is open - definitely everywhere a cyclist needs.
    HOWEVER - at Easter there will be an invasion of families, many with rude and badly-disciplined children whining and whinging. It definitely alters the character of hotels (and the prices of course!). In the hotel I used to stay in, which was great, the super-helpful receptionist once said "don't come when the bookings start for a "family friendly" resort hotel - the children are appalling!
    I crossed-over once with the family-booking dates - she was right!
  • I'm going for 2 weeks beginning of february. Might be a bit chillier/wetter. Better than here i hope
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Rather than get finger in the air examples, see actual past weather records on Weather Underground. They had a shocking February, temp often just above freezing with some snow and a lot of rain. I was in Lanzarote same time as some contacts (from Twitter) that were in Majorca, they had a pretty grim time.

    Here is a link set to March 21st 2012, but you can fiddle about and get other examples to get a feel for what to expect. ... story.html
  • Triffic!
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    That was unusual weather, but it does show what can happen. Lanzarote is way more stable weather wise, you just have to put up with the wind!
  • Well I live here all year round and you will be fine. To be honest its only the holiday places that shut down and close the rest of the island stays the same year round and you wont want to be in the holiday places anyway. If your staying in Alcudia Pollenca it will be quiet but within 15 mins you will be away and in the rest of the island which remains the same. for me I prefer it when all the (crap sorry) is closed as we get the island back and can park where we want to etc. The weather will be nippy at night bordering cold but its a total lucky dip. You might have some rain you could get one or two days but it usually clears up after three at most and then it dont rain for long. dont get me wrong you wont be coming and it will be sweltering as it wont be. It may be very cold in the morning but not icy etc. Do watch the roundabouts and white lines when its wet they are really slippy. The mountain descents need to be taken a bit slower if its wet but if you ride there a bit later as they are often damp in the morning but time it so you decent early afternoon they will have dried up from the night before humidity.

    Some place will be open in the tourist areas for the Brits to come for easter but the last three years not much has been open until May the 1st due to the economy but you really dont want to be anywhere near those areas anyway.

    What it will be is
    A) warmer than the uk
    B) nice and quiet roads.
    Bars will be open but they will be the typical spanish ones that you will look at and think "im not going in there" but they are often the best. If you see a really nice looking flashy bar I tend to ride straight past and go for the spansih one, much better coffee and half the price.

    Februaury if anyone is interested here are some from Last year Feb the 13th to be precise. The pro tour of Trofeo Palma half of it was cancelled due to the snow.
    walking in the garden in the morning
    Ride up to Selva anyone? As you can see the roads are fine but the mountains were shut when we got there
    Looking over Selva to the mountains
    Looking towards LLuc

    Enjoye but Bring some good warm gloves (for Feb) March just a Mankini will be fine :D

    If you need any help where to go just drop me a line.
  • Cheers buddy, just bought a pair of bibtights so will be armed for the cold & wet! Really looking forward to it & the roads look great. Never thought i'd see snow in Majorca!! Bizarre.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Some great advice on here - thanks very much for that!
  • Well went out today and lots of the tourist places are all but shut but as you can see from todays pics weather still nice. Managed 121.9 miles and covered just about everywhere. Cant recommend this place and this time of year enough. I must have been passed by about 50 cars today in 7 hours riding.

    Excuse the green tyres they are new spares i threw on my new wheels to try.
  • Just gonna confirm my holidays and am off to Duva Pollensa Apartments next March. Fingers crossed for some nice weather, never done this before.
    Has anyone been to this hotel?
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    edited November 2012
    Sorry to hijack... Jeff the Scott looks completely different on the elites. How did it go up the climb to the top tower out of Pollensa then? Don't envy the ride down from there either (Gravel and rough)
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    xhacker wrote:
    Just gonna confirm my holidays and am off to Duva Pollensa Apartments next March. Fingers crossed for some nice weather, never done this before.
    Has anyone been to this hotel?

    No, I'm booked into Don Miguel which has some not bad reviews.

    Try Trip Advisor.