handlebar and brake setup

Sprool Posts: 1,022
edited November 2012 in Road beginners
I'm looking for some advice on checking set up of handlebars and brakes. Are there any rules-of-thumb or starting points for setting up correct angle/rotation of the bars, and position of the brakes and hoods for most efficient and stress-free riding? I'm just not comfortable with my current setup and feel it needs some fettling, but not sure which way to move.


  • There is an article here http://ruedatropical.com/2009/03/road-d ... -geometry/ which might give some guidance and good starting points for position. I would make sure the reach to the bars is correct firstly without worrying about the brake position.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    thanks for the link, a very useful read. Going by the diagrams on the site he's setting up the bars so the line of the drops remains horizontal. All the photos of bikes I've seen has the drops angled down pointing towards the rear axle, so that the tops and rounds remain in the horizontal plane.
    Is there any general advice or common practice about this, or is it just whatever feels most comfortable to the individual?
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    I prepared some diagrams based on ruedas graphics;
    A= horizontal drops
    B= horizontal tops and brake hoods
    C= horizontal tops and upwards brake hoods
    D= mid-rotation bars and level hoods
    E= mid-rotation bars and upwards hoods.

    What is the collective wisdom about the best neutral position to start with?
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    A good start point is to have the hoods horizontal as that's where you'll spend most of your time. If they angled down your hands will be sliding forwards so you have to grip the hood, and if they're pointing up your wrists are twisted upwards.

    The drops can be where you find them most comfortable; I wouldn't obsess about having them parallel to the floor though.

    Start with that and progress.
  • A lot of this depends on the shape of your bars.

    Classic bar shapes have a pretty symmetrical C shaped curve so the horizontal drops option works.

    My Deda Zero100 have a shape more like a stretched 7 so I go with horizontal tops and hoods. Personally with most modern bars I'd start with that position and adjust from there for comfort or if the particular bar/brifter combination had a particularly lumpy join.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Depends on the shape of the handlebar first and then the shape of the shifter to get the optimum position. As I spend most of my time on the hoods / tops then I optimise my bar/lever postion for this - tops are a shade below horizontal and the hoods extend horizontally to make a broad, horizontal platform for my hands and wrists - between D and E. I only ride on my drops when seriously hammering as it's quite a 'deep' position.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    I've tweaked mine back up to a position midway between C and E this afternoon, I'll see how it goes tomorrow on some pretty stiff cycling round Holme Moss. I'm just not getting comfortable in the drops, think I'm trying to find an excuse for buying more bling. I really want to try out one of those flat ramp bars, move away from the traditional C or D curve.
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Last 2" of drops parallel to the ground.Then adjust the hood so they are angled slightly upwards.