
iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited November 2012 in Pro race
He continues to be good value with his opinions.

He said he'd never go to Astana and doesn't know what possessed anyone to give them a WT licence.

I guess Vino will have a heavy put him in a ditch next year
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • Good man. To be fair, it would have to be a super-heavy to put young Marcel in a ditch - the guy's a big unit
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    The man is class act.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,454
    Is there a trend here, in that it's only the physically big young riders (Kittel and Phinney being the obvious examples) who are speaking out against doping?
  • andyp wrote:
    Is there a trend here, in that it's only the physically big young riders (Kittel and Phinney being the obvious examples) who are speaking out against doping?

    As the exception that proves the rule I give you Sammy Dumoulin, or as he's usually called "little Sammy Dumoulin".
    Correlation is not causation.
  • "The Kazakhs, even the non-riders, simply have a different mentality.”

    Oh dear :roll:
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    Are Germans allowed to have opinions of other nations yet?:P

    He certainly is coming strait out of the Sprinter frat boy club. I hope it continues! :o)
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Kittel has pi$$ed of Jakob Fuglsang with his rather robust comments, who defended Astana (because they have employed him one should mention) and also claimed Kittel 'had his problems', using that UV blood manipulation thing. But i seem to remember it was for 'health reasons' or something... Oh well, they're getting the handbags out anyway.
  • MrTapir wrote:
    Kittel has pi$$ed of Jakob Fuglsang with his rather robust comments, who defended Astana (because they have employed him one should mention) and also claimed Kittel 'had his problems', using that UV blood manipulation thing. But i seem to remember it was for 'health reasons' or something... Oh well, they're getting the handbags out anyway.

    Or musettes, perhaps?

    As Tail Wind Home says in another thread, it being the off season its a very fertile ground for lots of huffing and puffing and argufying in the absence of any actual racing
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Yes indeed, it must get boring for them

    (the media I mean having to find things to write about).
  • MrTapir wrote:
    Yes indeed, it must get boring for them

    (the media I mean having to find things to write about).

    Quite :)