White van driver attacked by ginger speeding cyclist


  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    I bet she had no idea who Wiggo was. Bet she knows who Ronald McDonald is though.
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • fsd61b
    fsd61b Posts: 109
    I fear this will only result in a renewed vigour and increased publicity for BW's campaign to introduce compulsory helmet law.
    Still hope he gets better soon though.
  • FIT

    Also, seems intelligent. If only I wasn't already spoken for, i'd be straight round there with pie and chips wi graaaavy and sweep her off her feet.
  • ben@31 wrote:
    I bet she had no idea who Wiggo was. Bet she knows who Ronald McDonald is though.

    :lol: pmsl
    My biggest fear is that should I crash, burn and die, my Wife would sell my stuff based upon what I told her I paid for it.
  • I thought Mr Wiggins recommended people wear them but then went on to say making it law would be more damaging to cycling's popularity.