Cycling Scene in Madrid

SuperJonC Posts: 5
edited November 2013 in Road general

I wondered if anyone had any information on the road cycling scene in Madrid? I've done a fair amount of googling now and can't really come to any conclusion. Despite being told there are over 218 clubs in Madrid I wondered if anyone knew which were the bigger ones or had any recommendations?

I'm told this is the oldest club in Madrid: but from what I can tell they only cycle 40km at the weekend. I'd be looking to cycle at least 100km.

This one looks a bit better?

Also does anyone know if they have the equivalent of our sportive scene? There looks to be a few but no where near as many as The UK? Likewise I'd be interested in the racing scene?

Any info much appreciated.



  • SFT
    SFT Posts: 156
    Jon, a good friend of mine has lived in Madrid for the last 6 month and loves the cycling there.
    I've sent him a link to your post and asked him to see if he can help

    good luck
  • Jon,

    I'm the good friend ! I live in Moraleja and have not found any good cycling clubs but I have had some spectacular rides into the mountains north of the city. I have put most of the interesting rides into Garmin connect, search on my userid is esdavey.

    I think alot of locals just bang up & down the M607 on the red cycle lane !

    If you want to meet for a beer & chat, let me know. Cheers, Simon
  • viewtopic.php?f=30005&t=12856281&p=17641349&hilit=madrid#p17641349

    I posted exactly the same question in May & got zero response !
  • Thanks very much for the info. Will check out the routes on Garmin.

    I did come across this thread as well which was quite old but did have a few links: (You've probably seen it)

    I will be living in Madrid from January so it would be great to meetup and have a beer and a chat and even go for a ride? :)

  • christ its hot there in august
  • Replying to an old thread, but it may be helpful to others

    There is plenty of road cycling (and mtb) around Madrid, plenty of cycling clubs and plenty of quiet roads to ride on weekends. There are 2 good cycle paths that take you out of the city and allows for fast riding away from cars. One on the North side of the city, taking you all the way to Soto del Real, right at the mountains, and one on the South side, a bit shorter, that goes to San Martin de la Vega. These two cycle paths are the best way to ride out of the city.
    If you have access to a car, then a short drive will get you to plenty of lonely roads. Also, the commuter trains are a good option to get a bit further away and explore new roads.
    For a short midweek training ride you can hit Casa de Campo, with the majority of its roads closed to motorist and a couple of good short hills for interval training.

    There are a handful of cycling clubs that do weekly rides. I'm not much into these type of weekly rides where upwards of 30 cyclist join up for a spin. Not my cup of tea. I'd rather ride with a friend or two, designing our own routes or following some of the rides that others have uploaded to

    Also there are more "serious cyling" clubs more about Master racing. I assure you Master racing is plenty competitive with some ex-pro's taking the first places. You don't actually need to join a team to race. All you need is a yearly license that you can get from the Federación Ciclista Madrileña.

    To get an idea of the number of organised rides in Spain in general, take a look at the calendar from Red Ciclista here you'll see listed road, mtb, triathlon, etc.

    For actual road cycling racing, check

  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 230
    The Retiro park is beautiful. My last business trip wish I had my biketo go round it.
    Sensa Trentino SL Custom 2013 - 105 Compact - Aksium Race
  • Hello Jon,

    I don't have enough credentials to write private messages nor respond to them. It will be great to go for a ride sometime.
    You can reach me at alejogiron (a) yahoo . com