Wiggo "...I doped.." Exclusive!

ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
edited November 2012 in Pro race
Implicates Cath and friends! DB on smack! Wiggo wants to experiment with acid, but seems to be struggling with supplies! Implicates Tescos!!!

OMG... it's all in his new book,serialised in this week's soaraway Guardian!
If I doped I would potentially stand to lose everything. It's a long list. My reputation, my livelihood, my marriage, my family, my house. Everything I have achieved, my Olympic medals, my world titles, the CBE was given. I would have to take my children to the school gates in a small Lancashire village with everyone looking at me, knowing I had cheated, knowing I had, perhaps, won the Tour de France but then been caught.[/size]

All my friends in cycling are here, and my extended family. My wife [/size]organises races in Lancashire. I have my own sportif, with people coming and paying £40 each to ride. Cath's family have been in cycling for 50 years,[/size] and I would bring shame and embarrassment on them: my father-in-law works at British Cycling, and would never be able to show his face there again. It's not just about me: if I doped it would jeopardise Sky – who sponsor the entire sport in the UK – Dave Brailsford and all he has done, and Tim Kerrison, my trainer. I would not want to end up sitting in a room with all that hanging on me, thinking, "Sh!t, I don't want anyone to find out." That is not something I wish to live with.

The problem with the accusations is that they begin that whole process of undermining what I have achieved. That's why I get angry about them.

This is only sport we are talking about. Sport does not mean more to me than all those other things I have. Winning the Tour de France
at any cost is not worth the risk. That boils down to why I race a bike. I do it because I love it, and I love doing my best and working hard. I don't do it for a power trip.

At the end of the day, I'm a shy bloke looking forward to taking my son rugby training after the Tour. If I felt I had to take drugs, I would rather stop tomorrow, go and ride club 10-mile time trials, ride to the cafe on Sundays, and work in Tesco stacking shelves.

More -http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2012/nov/05/bradley-wiggins-memoir-doped-lose

I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.



  • You KNOW someone's going to cart this over to the Asylum where it will be poured over as the rock-solid proof that they're SO desparately looking for
  • I always knew that Tescos was dodgy! :roll:
    Correlation is not causation.
  • I always knew that Tescos was dodgy! :roll:

    its the Value Range dope you have to look out for
  • I always knew that Tescos was dodgy! :roll:

    its the Value Range dope you have to look out for

    Every Little Helps :wink:
    Correlation is not causation.
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    This is proof for the clinic ;D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Interesting quote:

    Wiggo wrote:
    By 2009 it had become clear that many of the top guys weren't clean at the time Lance was at his best – a lot of the guys who finished second to him were subsequently caught, and quite a few of those who finished third, fourth or fifth – but when he came back to the sport I quite liked him. He seemed much more relaxed, he seemed to be returning for reasons other than winning. He was quite gracious in defeat in some of those races; he was quite respectful, encouraging of what I was trying to do. I thought whatever had happened in the past had happened; it hadn't affected me in those years.
  • Big LOL on this. Well done!
    Contador is the Greatest