Carpet stain removal

Wulz Posts: 100
edited May 2014 in The cake stop
Random question folks, have any of you had oil successfully cleaned from a carpet? if so how?
Did you use a professional company or household cleaner? or any old tricks?

Reason being i managed to get a little lump of oil/grease/dirt to fall off my rear derailer jockey wheel and stick iself to my shoe. Then clever cloggs me managed to get it to stain six separate point across two cream bedroom carpets!!!

Wife is pretty unhappy, end result is that bikes in the house are now under review.

Any suggestions more than welcome, well anything that means i get to stay with the wife as ive only been married 5 months!



  • zx6man
    zx6man Posts: 1,092
    you could try the bio dgreaser you use on chains? or wet wipes can sometimes do the trick on certain fabrics
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    I've done it several times with Swarfega. In my youth I had a motorcycle and I was always tinkering with it, and unfortunately I bought the oil into the house on several occasions. Just a quick rub with the green stuff and then a wet cloth was all it took.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • Wulz
    Wulz Posts: 100
    thanks for the info so far,

    Update, i`ve just conducted a experiment on a piece of lab coat material. OK not exactly the same as carpet but worth a go. Results, tried simple green which is the degreaser i use at work on the bike as its very good and it just kinda made a mess :D
    Tried swarfega and it really has made an impact. So its off home to either ruin the carpet or cure it.

    Based on how the swarfega affected the carpet i rekon that a good carpet cleaning post scrub will not be out of the question from a point of view of getting rid of the now mobile oil particles.

    More suggestions more than welcome.

    Wish me luck!
  • zx6man
    zx6man Posts: 1,092
    The bio ones are best as you can then wash with soap and water
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I often get oil on my trousers and mum is a superstar at getting it out.
    She uses Fairy Liquid, Swarfega and a bit of Vanish powder.

    Fairly liquid acts as a degreasing agent, as does Swarfega. The danger is rubbing the carpet so hard that you ruin the piling. Also be careful if you are using bleach, as that can also dye the carpet a different colour.

    I have since done this myself and got so carried away that I rubbed the oil out and also the dye in the trousers.

    I would google it. Or ask on mumsnet
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    If you use Swarfega, you have to make sure that you completely move the oil before you get it wet, or you'll have to wait until it dries before you can have a second go.

    Re:- the 5 months bit in your OP. Mrs Slog and I remember that well, the first year was a bit of a trial at times. 28 years on, it still is sometimes, hang in there. :lol:

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    What about red wine ? It'll do nothing to remove the oil but you wont be so bothered about what the wife thinks.

    Sorry - no suggestions I'm afraid.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Redhog14
    Redhog14 Posts: 1,377
    Remove wife = end of problem. HTH :D
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    There's no easy way to tell you this...

    you need a pair of slippers
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • I have had all sorts of muck and oil on my carpets from my chain and cassette! I got a bottle of vax stain spot remover for £2 from wilkinsons and worked a treat on our cream wool carpet. Get yourself down to wilkos i recommend it!
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    If you can get hold of it then Carbontetrachloride is your stuff.
    It is of course illegal stuff but if you ask very very very nicely at your local fire extinguisher company they might have some, it used to be used in fire extinguishers. If, and it's a big if, you can get it then that's your stuff!
  • We got bitumen tile adhesive all over our new, cream carpet on the day it was fitted. the carpet fitter went at it with white spirit + white cotton rags + it came up spotless..
  • Wulz
    Wulz Posts: 100
    Another update,

    Got home and went at the 6 or 7 stains with several goes of swafega and overall we have a good succcess.

    So thanks for all the contributions folks comic or otherwise :D

    Slippers would be a good suggestion but the shoes i was wearing were my spd shimano shoes and all this mayhem ocurred as i was leaving the flat for work at 7.00am, typical!

    Well done to slog on the 28 years, hope we get there, i rekon the best tip to getting that far is to not have cream carpets! :D

    Cheers folks

  • There two ways there , first technique is take lemon juice and soap powder , put into a bowl and mix well, then apply the solution into carpet, and then wash your carpet. If it is not working then call carpet dry cleaning services.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,087
    There two ways there , first technique is take lemon juice and soap powder , put into a bowl and mix well, then apply the solution into carpet, and then wash your carpet. If it is not working then call carpet dry cleaning services.

    Is this ^ a plug? or...
    Is this the bank holiday resurrection of old threads resurrection thread? or...
    Is it new forumite recruitment week? or...
    Is this Bank Holiday boredom?

    Back on topic, ask a bloke called seantheconn - apparently he's good at removing stains on carpets :wink: .
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • On a similar vein, does anyone know how to get stains out of curtains?
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,148
    No, but then I don't use mine to wipe myself - use the bathroom you dirty git!
  • bianchibob
    bianchibob Posts: 306
    Buy a rug !