Seemingly trivial things that annoy you
I just googled 'Salmond shrine', and there's nothing for sale at the moment.
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Camper vans are such small pish. What you need is a 'Baroness' Michelle Mone-Money-Money PPE contract, get yourself the mahoosive luxury yacht and then just F off. Where is she now? Back in the HoL? Aye right.
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We need a good people to look up to thread. I know it would be boring, but still!
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So is the SNP, so it's proportionate.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1 -
People that write their capital 'M's as an 'H', complained Mr Smit bitterly.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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The fella is trippin. I don't see any Robin shit anywhere!?
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Nah, you don't see him as he's out robbin' shit and stuff...
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Travel insurance.
Once upon a time companies would just advertise the price of insurance which could then easily be bought. Now they want personal information and information about all minor ailments. I can vaguely understand that this should lead to a more efficiently priced policies except that it is around 1/3 of the price if I buy the same policy through my bank.
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My travel insurance has been ridiculously cheap till now, just part of the subscription bank account with Nationwide. Sadly, am going to have to look elsewhere given that my current ailment won't be covered. Saga it is then... hoping they do a 12-month EU (or just France) option rather than per trip...
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I am out of date, but has EU health passporting ended?
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No. We used EHIC in Hungary last year. It only covers you so far though so insurance is recommended should anything go really wrong.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
Americans abroad speaking loudly all the time, is it to ensure everyone within 100m can hear the entire conversation?
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Just apply for a GHIC. Does the same thing.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Football presenters/pundits who are on different channels for different competitions on different nights of the week
Pick a channel and stick to it.
“New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!0 -
Waiting on new broadband to be installed, we opted for the 8.00am - 10.00am slot and here we are still waiting at 11:50 having received no communication at all. Once it is finally installed I'll then have the joy of updating the connection details on all our devices. That isn't too bad on the phones or laptops but the TV / Sky box etc. will be a PITA as ever scrolling through each character on the remote.
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I know this isn't the place for solutions but why don't you just give it the same name and password as the existing wi-fi?
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We just changed our router and did exactly this
Wilier Izoard XP0 -
I wasn't sure if you could, if that's possible I'll get the guy to do it when he sets it up for us.
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I'm really happy with our wifi mesh. One of the upsides of that is that changing routers doesn't matter.
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Still no sign of anyone from EE a mere 3 hours and 40 minutes after the end of our allocated slot. It's not like they could have go delayed when I opted for the first slot of the day! Zero communication as well, doesn't bode well for our new contract. Maybe I'll cancel and go to the local supplier instead as they get really good reviews.
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They eventually turned up bang on time but 24 hours later than we'd expected due to us being given wrong information! We'd been expecting a new hub and extender but they weren't delivered so thought it would all be a waste of time but the 'engineer' did some checks and sorted out an issue we've always had with wi-fi dropping out. Apparently it was due to interference from the Sky dish that is on the same frequency but in moving the wi-fi to a fixed channel that should now be fixed.
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Tradesman technobabble. A sky dish is a receiver.
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Reputable media outlets continuing to hype the 'planetary alignment' and talk about 7 planets being visible, 5 with the naked eye. It's pretty much impossible to see them all even with a telescope as Saturn is setting with the sun and visually very close to it. Even if you could see it I don't think it is dark enough to see Mars at the same time. I've seen people claiming to have seen all 7 with the naked eye but I suspect they are confusing some of the brightest stars for the planets. The relatively recent trend of bigging up pretty much every celestial or weather event is a pet trivial annoyance of mine.
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I've more or less given up on all these - I might still make an effort for the Perseids if I happen to be in France, but with the naked eye all the other ones I've tried to see have been damp squibs (if visible at all). And there seems to be a 'super moon' almost as frequently as there is a full moon.
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There's an app Wifi Analyzer which shows you which frequencies are being used by everyone else so you can pick a free one. Although this is more useful with flats where there are lots of competing signals.
Otherwise, as I said above, get a wifi mesh - it will solve all your wifi problems.
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It was clear last night and I could see thousands of dots in the sky. Odds are that at least 7 of those were planets.
Hope that helps.
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Odds are they weren't unless you were looking through a powerful telescope.
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The meteor shower last summer (think it was the Perseids) was visible from Colyford. I think I posted a photo in the Photography thread.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
Odds are you could probably see three if it was much after sunset . . .
Wilier Izoard XP0 -
I was being sarcastic.
In regard to what people think they've seen, there is much in common between stargazing and bird spotting.