Wakerley Woods
Got a bit of time tomorrow, without the kids (!), so thinking about trying Wakerley woods for the 1st time. Has anyone ridden it recently, wondering what the conditions are like and if its been finished. Have been to Fineshades a few times but always have my lad with me.
Great site btw, been registered for a while, but my 1st post
Great site btw, been registered for a while, but my 1st post

I went a few months ago. The first bit was quite decent but then it got very, very muddy in places. It may have dried out a bit since then but there were places that were pretty much impassable. That said, there were a lot of piles of stone by the sides which they were obviously planning to lay down to weather proof it so hopefully they may have done that by now - i thought it had the potential to be a really nice local-ish route.
I'd say give it a try, and let us know what its like0 -
Finally managed to get there today, parked at fineshades and rode there. Wasn't very successful as I got totally lost trying to find my way round, would be good to follow someone round who knows the route.
The track was like trying to ride through a swamp!! Although with all the rain it's not surprising. Eventually gave up at the fire road and did a lap of fine shades.0 -
Wakerley does suffer horribly from rain at the moment. They are supposed to be surfacing most of the trail, but since the wrong grade was ordered, it depends when the right stuff arrives. It'll usually take at least two weeks of dry (and I mean, DRY) weather to clean up the swamp, and let's face it, there's not been much of that this year...Old hockey players never die - they just smell that way...0
Until the revamped build team for Wakerley gets properly up and running it's likely to remain a bit of a swampy mess until next April at least. Which is a real shame as when it's running well it's a cool little trail.
Having said that, there is now a nice little route developing over at the Fineshades side that follows the family route but is nearly all singletrack (although that too gets a bit muddy and sloppy in this recent weather).0