Lance / UCI / Pat n'Hein Limericks and Haiku

steerpike Posts: 424
edited October 2012 in Pro race
Are you a frustrated poet like me? Maybe you could make a limerick or haiku (17 syllables 5-7-5 format) about the current debacle.

Not saying I have any to share (yet). But I'm working on it.


  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,668
    The UCI's chief is called Pat:
    He'd rather that no riders rat.
    Hid his head in the sand,
    Didn't want Armstrong banned.
    Now just bog off, please go, take your hat.
  • I basic’ly have no idea
    To me bicycle racing’s not clear
    Cos the top guys who run it
    They all know who dunnit
    But covered it up year on year
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • hstiles
    hstiles Posts: 414
    A couple of crappy haikus for you

    I am Lance Armstrong
    when I pissed in that bottle
    where was no EPO - Assuming US pronunciation ;-)

    Please, Please believe me
    I did not take those steroids
    my bottom was sore
  • My name's Pat and my boss is called Hein
    Who does fook all all day but drink wine
    He makes sure my life's good
    If I pull on his wood
    Just like Lance used to pull on mine
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,668
    The sport's leader is Pat McQuaid,
    Whom, I'm told, is quite handsomely paid.
    But it's time that he went,
    I don't care where he's sent,
    Till he's gone, cycling's doomed I'm afraid.
  • The UCI's chief is called Pat:
    He'd rather that no riders rat.
    Hid his head in the sand,
    Didn't want Armstrong banned.
    Now just bog off, please go, take your hat.

    haha most excellent - :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,668
    The other old fart is called Hein,
    Who off UCI cheques used to dine.
    He preferred the omerta.
    Now, can I be curter?
    We all wish you'd p1ss off: resign.
  • Briantrumpet, you are on a roll...
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,668
    The cause of the hoo-ha is Lance,
    Who led UCI for a dance.
    He continues to lie,
    And I think we know why,
    For his fortune he'd rather not chance.
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    The other old fart is called Hein,
    Who off UCI cheques used to dine.
    He preferred the omerta.
    Now, can I be curter?
    We all wish you'd p1ss off: resign.
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    hstiles wrote:
    A couple of crappy haikus for you

    I am Lance Armstrong
    when I pissed in that bottle
    where was no EPO - Assuming US pronunciation ;-)

    Please, Please believe me
    I did not take those steroids
    my bottom was sore
    B+ v.funny!
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,318
    USADA tornado
    Blows Aigle hubris into debris
    Job soon going spare

    Neither a limerick nor haiku
    Apologies to Old King Cole... (actually, apologies to everyone)

    Poor Old Chairman Fat Pat was a mardy old tw@t
    And a mardy old tw@t was he,
    For in front of the press, he made a terrible mess,
    For all the World to see.
    "Is he on the fiddle?",
    Enquired someone from the middle,
    "What's that dreadful pong?",
    Asked another from the throng.
    Clutching to his heart the report from USADA,
    He vowed to fight on and promised to try harder.
    "We've heard it all before!" came the cry from the floor,
    And now Poor Old Chairman Fatty Patty was looking even more twatty,
    Which wasn't what anyone was hoping for.
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    bravo for the haiku - slightly chilling.

    A once 7 time king of the road
    Never short of best mates when he glowed
    Gave Kimmage a Rough Ride
    Never blinked when Floyd cried
    Ended up nothing more than a Choad
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,503
    There was a young upstart called Lance
    Who took one hell of a chance
    He took us for mugs
    For it was all done with drugs
    And the UCI went along for the dance.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • oneof1982
    oneof1982 Posts: 703
    I'm going to be terribly blunt
    The man had a huge dose of front
    We saw him in yellow
    We thought he was mellow
    Turns out he's a bit of a cun.........NO NO NO
  • jawooga
    jawooga Posts: 530
    We bought the human fragility
    That Lance turned around with humility
    Now he won't belie
    That pie in the sky
    Will Pat show that bouncebackability?
  • jawooga
    jawooga Posts: 530
    Pat needs a kick up the arse
    Encourage the masses to grass
    The sooner they're honest
    , look a little less biased
    there'll be belief in the sport that will last
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,290
    We now have two people called Hein
    And Pat, who some call to resign,
    But with both shown the door,
    Then in comes Igor,
    Do you really think things will be fine?

    Armstrong, Hincapie, Zabriskie,
    All took drugs, which was terribly risky,
    Took pills that were red,
    Then a blue one instead,
    That mistake made them all rather frisky.

    Alexander, Neil, Louis and Lance
    Armstrongs of note at a glance
    They flew to the moon
    Made us laugh, sang a tune
    But none won a bike race in France
    (I have to say, I'm really f'ing pleased with that last one)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    Haha love the last two.
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,318
    RichN95 wrote:

    Alexander, Neil, Louis and Lance
    Armstrongs of note at a glance
    They flew to the moon
    Made us laugh, sang a tune
    But none won a bike race in France
    (I have to say, I'm really f'ing pleased with that last one)

    So you fuKcing should be: didn't get the recognition it deserved.

    All these people getting het up about details...

  • The UCI is like magic
    positive test? Never fear
    just chuck 'em one hundred thousand bucks
    and watch it disappear
    there once was a rider called Lance
    who has flames licking up from his pants
    "I was clean" he averred
    but now might do bird
    if USADA gets half a chance

  • tomb8555
    tomb8555 Posts: 229
    He convinced them his dope tests were fine
    They both ate out on Lance Armstrong's dime
    He said "believe the miracle"
    But we were too cynical
    So now Fat Pat and Hein should resign
  • OCDuPalais wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:

    Alexander, Neil, Louis and Lance
    Armstrongs of note at a glance
    They flew to the moon
    Made us laugh, sang a tune
    But none won a bike race in France
    (I have to say, I'm really f'ing pleased with that last one)

    So you fuKcing should be: didn't get the recognition it deserved.

    All these people getting het up about details...


    Thank for bringing it to my attention. A work of staggering genius.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Young Lance he beat the big C
    and returned to racing with glee
    he protests innocence of crimes
    claims he was tested over 500 times
    and nothing showed up in his pee