Abuse - Justice or violence?

Captainlip Posts: 281
edited October 2012 in Road general


  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    I've never seen a smooth walnut, so I can't possibly comment.

    But of course, if everybody took violent revenge every time someone did something they didn't like, the world would be a much better place, wouldn't it? :roll:
  • Captainlip
    Captainlip Posts: 281
    edited October 2012
    MADONE 5.2
  • max1234
    max1234 Posts: 71
    Sounds like an excellent response, if passing him provokes racist abuse then he's clearly a disturbed moron and probably only understands violence.

    Not sure how racist abuse could be categorised as "something they didn't like" - it's a bit more serious than that surely? Accepting the abuse just means it's going to continue...
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Yes it is racism, either that or your bike is better than his, and he hasn't got enough brain cells to come out with something more applicable, but yes, to me it's racism.
  • Sounds like a completely appropriate response to me. Well done, it's refreshing to see someone who does not accept bullying behaviour.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    although not the same as your situation so I am not comparing the two, i was once cycling through and area of Birmingham were, being white, I was in the minority, and cycling through I had abuse hurled at my based on my race and was spat at more than once. I just carried on but really do wish i'd had the bottle to do something.
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • It's both thuggish and justice.

    Some people will never behave reasonably no matter how much punishment and/or rehabilitation they get. So part of me is quite pleased if an antisocial git gets his comeuppance. You didn't mention racism on the other thread as far as I saw, but obviously, that makes it even worse, assuming your side of the story is true.

    However, if someone's perfectly Ok about kicking someone off his bike, regardless of the consequences, how do I know that he isn't going to be violent any other time something pisses him off?

    The fact is, if you kick someone off his bike, and he dies, you'll probably go down for manslaughter.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    What did the guy say?, not that is makes a huge amount of difference, but your response was an over reaction.

    What would have happened if he'd have hit his head and died?, how would you have felt?, would that out come been acceptable?
  • Let's assume I'm a copper who witnesses said incident.

    Chap who instigated it might get charged with either threatening or abusive behaviour, or more probably something like disturbing the peace. At a stretch he could end up with one of the myriad of vague low-level hate crime charges

    You, on the other hand, would be up for a minimum of assault, probably rising to ABH once he'd fallen off and smashed his face on the floor. Could have gone to manslaughter if he'd died as a result.

    Two wrongs don't make a right, neither morally nor in the eyes of the law.

    Chap wasn't right to call you names, but you were more wrong to physically assault him for it. Whilst he sounds like a idiot, you sound like a bigger tool for the disproportionate response. An impression reinforced by this statement;

    "...to see if im on my own with this one or the thread in question is just full of arrogant illiterate little old pricks who give road users a bad name."
  • NewTTer
    NewTTer Posts: 463
    edited October 2012
    Captainlip wrote:
    In the wake of another thread I was critisized for my reaction to verbal racism abuse as being thug like.

    I thought id do a quick annonymous poll to see if im on my own with this one or the thread in question is just full of arrogant illiterate little old pricks who give road users a bad name.

    so the story goes im tootling along and gaining on a fellow road user, as I made a pass on the fine gentleman on this fine sunny morning I past leaving around 3 decent foot of space, as I passed I turned to give the fellow a jolly old nod of acknowledgement only to recieve disgusting racist vebal abuse, in the wake of this I was left with the option to carry on and let the disgusting tw@t get away with it or take action, I turned to him, unclipped and gave him a swift boot to the thigh taking this fine gentleman off balance clipping the curb and landing on the floor in a pile of racist trash. I carried on debating to go back and question this fine man instead felt justice was done and hoped he learnt his lesson.

    since that day I have crossed paths with this fine man and by his reaction recognised my smooth walnut skin colour, but guess what....no responce from him. at this point I felt that boot had hopefully taken the roadie attitude out of this man for good.




    thugish or justice?
  • intersting that you now claim the kick was motivated by him being racist after everyone called you mental for doing it, as originally you claimed to have kicked him cos he said something smug in line with the 'typical roadie attitude'....

    i smell BS. what if i bumped into you in the pub and split your pint accidentally? or what if you bumped into me spillign mine and i said be careful, or watch what your doing, would i have been assaulted too?
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Appears its not just racist remarks, anything that you don't like will result in someone being assaulted.....
    its time to sort this attitude out that roadies have, I hope some of you reading this learn as there will be a swift boot to anyone who dares give me lip again.

    , if I come across another grumpy sod ill kick him off to until all these roadies with attitudes finally look at themselves and see that they are the issue with this sport.
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    To be fair, assaulting some one is wrong even if you feel its deserved so thugish.
    but why attack him when hes in a position where he cant defend himself.If you wanted to be the big man then you should have stopped and faced him on equal terms,or were you to scared so attacked him knowing you could ride away..so cowardly and thugish.
    finally,as has been said you could have caused him serious injury or death,then i guess you would have used the race card as your defence.
    Dont get me wrong the other blokes out of order but two wrongs dont make a right.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    OP, i feel ashamed to have the same colour bike as you.

    Actually, i shouldn't mention the 'c' word or you might accuse me of racism too. Then assault me. Thanks.
  • ricky1980
    ricky1980 Posts: 891
    dude, you did the right thing. I had a similar instance where I nearly got took out by a car on a junction and I slowed down. the old f@rt behind me went pass me and started to swear at me as he was going pass and gave me this look like as if I belonged to the deepest depth of a medieval dungeon. I promptly got on my bike and chased after him and told him where he can put his old, brainless head of his and wished him that he would run under the biggest lorry on the road.
    Road - Cannondale CAAD 8 - 7.8kg
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  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,040
    Can I vote for 'none of this actually happened and it's just a fantasy in the head of the OP'? Looks like trolling to me especially with the 'usual roadie arrogance' comments he seems so fond of. If it did happen then you are just a coward, if you felt it essential to confront them then you should have allowed both of you a chance to get off your bikes and discuss it face to face.
  • Melter
    Melter Posts: 49
    What?...Eh?...Violence, is it acceptable?
    There really is less hope for the human race than I thought.
  • Blatant trolling.
  • No, you were wrong to do that and the fact that you debating it worries me.
    “If you do what always do, you'll get what you always get.”
  • Joeblack
    Joeblack Posts: 829
    I do love the way you've actually turned this into a race issue, even if (and I doubt your telling the truth) he was racist what do you think you've done apart from turned a bigot into a bigger bigot?

    He will still think your -insert racist insult- and with just cause now, plus he'll tell all his friends what a -insert racist insult- you are and they will become bigots as well, so will his children and so forth and so on.

    Ethnic monirities do themselves no favours acting in this way.

    Can I ask you a question, do you work in a bike shop?
    One plays football, tennis or golf, one does not play at cycling
  • What an idiot the thread creator is - he claims to dislike the use of abusive behaviour however refers to the "arrogant illiterate little old pricks" which in fact is abusive behaviour itself - would he like it if he was booted off his bike for dishing out this abuse? Would he accept justice is done as he lays by the roadside with his expensive bike scratched and dinted? I think not.
  • Joeblack wrote:
    I do love the way you've actually turned this into a race issue, even if (and I doubt your telling the truth) he was racist what do you think you've done apart from turned a bigot into a bigger bigot?

    He will still think your -insert racist insult- and with just cause now, plus he'll tell all his friends what a -insert racist insult- you are and they will become bigots as well, so will his children and so forth and so on.

    Ethnic monirities do themselves no favours acting in this way.

    Can I ask you a question, do you work in a bike shop?

  • elderone wrote:
    To be fair, assaulting some one is wrong even if you feel its deserved so thugish.
    but why attack him when hes in a position where he cant defend himself.If you wanted to be the big man then you should have stopped and faced him on equal terms,or were you to scared so attacked him knowing you could ride away..so cowardly and thugish.
    finally,as has been said you could have caused him serious injury or death,then i guess you would have used the race card as your defence.
    Dont get me wrong the other blokes out of order but two wrongs dont make a right.

    Again +1
  • photo evidence or it never happened

    ps - my money is one the latter ;)
    A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it

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  • houndlegs
    houndlegs Posts: 267
    Could you add a third option to the voting please. Something along the lines of knobhead should do.
    Many thanks.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    just read the original thread!

    clearly full of it!
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    anyone who can manage seven spelling mistakes and some highly suspect grammar and sentence construction in a thirteen line post deserves a bloody good kicking in my opinion ...
  • Mikey41
    Mikey41 Posts: 690
    Captainlip wrote:
    thugish or justice?
    I can understand why someone would react that way, I could never condone it however. It's revenge, not justice.
    Giant Defy 2 (2012)
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  • Captainlip
    Captainlip Posts: 281
    edited October 2012
    MADONE 5.2
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Mikey41 wrote:
    Captainlip wrote:
    thugish or justice?
    I can understand why someone would react that way, I could never condone it however. It's revenge, not justice.


    If this is true then I can understand why you did it but I do not agree with you doing it and it is in fact blind ignorant revenge not justice.

    If this story is true here is what happened afterwards. The guy called you a racist name because he is an ignorant bully. Bullies always pick on people that can't defend themselves because they are weaker than the bully. He made a bad choice with you. You showed him that violence is ok to use though, after all you used it on him. The next thing he does is to physical with someone less able to defend themselves than you. After all you made him feel small and he wants to feel big again. Good job OP. Was it worth it?
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