Is rule #34 necessary ?

sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
edited October 2012 in Road general
Hi I have just bought a giant defy 4 I also have a Xc bike with quite a bit of kit I understand that I can't use my shimano SPd and shoes on my new giant .... This is going to cost a bit if this is the case lol :(
When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

De rosa superking 888 di2


  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    They're rules, not suggestions! ;)
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Take with a huge dose of epo
  • sigorman85
    sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
    Lol ok them
    When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

    De rosa superking 888 di2
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    It would be worse a crime than wearing flip-flops on plastic pedals with a full team sky kit on.
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    I thought this was about this:
  • That's right sigorman, you have to invest in 400 more quid to outfit your roadie with specific road kit, that means new helmet and socks as well, as your existing ones are sure to be contaminated with MTBness. While you're at it, make sure your road bike and MTB bike are separated in hermetically sealed environments so that there is no possibility of cross-contamination. In fact, buy another house and get another wife in that house and live two separate lives totally distinct from each other. One is you roadie life and the other is the MTB life.
    For the road life you'll need razor sharp tans, no body fat and ridiculous sunglasses. For your MTB life you'll need adhesive tattoos, removable goatee, synthetic strap on upper arm muscles and ridiculous sunglasses.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    You're not actually taking the velominati seriously are you?
  • metronome
    metronome Posts: 670
    Please refer to rule#1 :)
    tick - tick - tick
  • tomisitt
    tomisitt Posts: 257
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".
  • lostboysaint
    lostboysaint Posts: 4,250
    tomisitt wrote:
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".

    Heretic, burn him!
    Trail fun - Transition Bandit
    Road - Wilier Izoard Centaur/Cube Agree C62 Disc
    Allround - Cotic Solaris
  • sigorman85
    sigorman85 Posts: 2,536
    Just didn't want to look out of place as I'm new lol I shouldn't care really
    When i die I just hope the wife doesn't sell my stuff for what I told her I paid for it other wise someone will be getting a mega deal!!!

    De rosa superking 888 di2
  • tomisitt wrote:
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".

    I think Rule #5 will always be relevant
  • tomisitt wrote:
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".

    Rule #3// Guide the uninitiated.
    No matter how good you think your reason is to knowingly breach The Rules, it is never good enough

    That post is in direct contravention on rule #3
  • Read the rules, follow the rules, spread the word of the rules.

    I am an inveterate snob, cannot help it and being a svelte, dapper, stylish and fast roadie I love the rules and what they mean. When I get on my beautifully designed road bike, which is clean, silent and deadly I am allowed to heap disdain upon any others who are not up to scratch. I am also obliged to look up to stronger and more suave roadies, and to try to emulate them without them knowing.

    I am also aware that I must at any given opportunity to rip my mates legs off on any ride and showing no remorse whilst I listen to their excuses ( Legs not ggod today or just not feeling it).

    A big tongue in cheek is needed as well, but the rules are The Rules. Chapeau, I'm off for a tiny expresso and a rub down. :D
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • tomisitt
    tomisitt Posts: 257
    Ah, but I do not acknowledge Velominarti's jurisdiction in this matter. I refer my leaned friend to Rulle #3 of The Rules 2.0: "Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike." The Rules 1.0 may be fine for our American cousins, but here in Europe we have no need of their nonsense.
  • I may be wrong, but I do believe The Rules have an Australian authorship ?
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • tomisitt
    tomisitt Posts: 257
    Ah, for some reason I assumed they were yanks. Either way, they're damn colonials and I'll have no truck with their foolishness.
  • Melter
    Melter Posts: 49
    What a great "rule guided cycling society" we are in, where people are allowed to talk of new rules and joke of the inadequacies of the guiding rules...
  • tomisitt wrote:
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".

    I think Rule #5 will always be relevant

    And rule #47
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • tomisitt wrote:
    Ah, for some reason I assumed they were yanks. Either way, they're damn colonials and I'll have no truck with their foolishness.

    So you say sir, but i'd rather throw my lot in with some down to earth Aussie diggers than some cheatin', swindlin' Yankee B'stards any ol' day of the year.

    Wheres my Rapha stressball gone (£89.99, made from andalusian kid leather). Ahhhhhhh.
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • Wheres my Rapha stressball gone (£89.99, made from andalusian kid leather). Ahhhhhhh.
    Good grief. I knew Spain was in deep doo-doos at the moment, but it's a sad day when they're having to sell body parts!
  • Wheres my Rapha stressball gone (£89.99, made from andalusian kid leather). Ahhhhhhh.
    Good grief. I knew Spain was in deep doo-doos at the moment, but it's a sad day when they're having to sell body parts!

    Who cares where it comes from, Rapha are exquisite, non ?
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • tomisitt
    tomisitt Posts: 257
    Yep, the "Keepers of The Cog" are indeed cheatin', swindlin' Yankee B'stards, and thus clearly have no understanding of rules. If they had played by the rules back in 1776 then US Postal would never have happened and cycling wouldn't be in this mess now. Look what happened when Ireland refused to play by the rules in 1921...we ended up with Pat McQuaid. Bah!
  • Bugger! I didn't realise there were any rules - before I do anything wrong are there any that apply to me on my 'lectric assist?? (really worried, Somerset)
  • tomisitt wrote:
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".

  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    I have an electric bike, do the rules apply to me? I pretend to pedal but I'm actually not making any effort because I'm on a ridiculously low resistance.
  • TOM14S
    TOM14S Posts: 100
    tomisitt wrote:
    I think it's about time "The Rules" were re-written, preferably by someone is isn't an American wannabe-Belgian-racer. Here's a suggestion:

    Rule #1 Cyclists are free-spirits, and have no need of specious "rules".

    Rule #2 Cyclists can wear what they want, ride what they want, and have no need to worship convicted cheats.

    Rule #3 Instead of obsessing about pointless cr@p, get out there and ride your bike.

    Here endeth "The Rules 2.0".

    Oh he he, he so Funny :D
    Mr man make tommy chuckle.
    You disobeyed your own rule 1 by writing rule1 ... 2 and 3.
  • nolight
    nolight Posts: 261
    Rule #34 is necessary because Rule #1 says so.

    And I have to tell you this because of Rule #2.
  • meursault
    meursault Posts: 1,433

    Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.

  • nolight
    nolight Posts: 261

    Obey or you will be flogged to death by the cycling community.