Training Tips

mrDMH Posts: 15
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
Good evening!

I would like some tips for training toward a long distance ride. I have signed up for a sportive (83 miles) in April 2013 and I would like some advice for training.

I am out on the bike every Sunday doing a long(?) ride; today I did 33, the week before I did 25. I'm trying to cycle to work twice a week (12 miles) but this is becoming a royal nightmare because of the weather and darkness. I don't currently own a turbo trainer - but I read this may well be the key?

Sorry for the rather open ended question.



  • I think a turbo trainer is a great thing to own (I would have one but I can't even have a bike where I live at the moment!), but honestly I think you would be better to buy some lights and cyclewear and put the miles in riding to work; at least to begin with. The best way to maintain your fitness is regular exercise.
  • mrDMH
    mrDMH Posts: 15
    I've been looking at getting an Elite Crono Fluid, but they don't seem to be in stock anywhere.

    I do own lights and what not, problem is my work is shift based, and it's a tad scary at some of the times I have to start/finish. Maybe I should just get on with it!
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    mrDMH wrote:
    I've been looking at getting an Elite Crono Fluid, but they don't seem to be in stock anywhere.

    I do own lights and what not, problem is my work is shift based, and it's a tad scary at some of the times I have to start/finish. Maybe I should just get on with it!

    I own this turbo its pretty good! Had a year in service with no big issues (just tighten the quick release fine)

    Training wise a turbo trainer wont help you with distance training because I doubt you'll be able to stand being on it for more than an hour...I know I can't. Keep trying to get out at the weekends and increase the distance by 5 miles a week and try to get in as much as you can in the week. Keep the pace steady and no massive efforts. You can start doing a bit more in terms of bigger efforts as you get closer to the date which should bring up your speed a bit.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    You need to get the miles in, one way or another. Cycling in the dark can be scary, but then a Turbo trainer in the garage can be boring - take your pick. It depends on where you live and your confidence. There are loads of web sites with training plans as well as a Training section to this forum.

    Try these for a start:

    You've got loads of time, if you can manage a 50 mile ride before you do your sportive, you'll manage 83 miles easily (hills dependant).
  • mrDMH wrote:
    problem is my work is shift based, and it's a tad scary at some of the times I have to start/finish

    Why do you find it scary?
    Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail

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  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    Got some rollers a few weeks ago. If the weathers bad or its dark I spend 40 mis spinning on the rollers, great exercise, and really improves balance, fitness and pedal technique. Now I've not trie d a turbo but i think i'd agree with the people here that find them too boring to keep up regularly; the rollers really keep you focused or you'll fall off. I try to do at least 40 mins 5 days a week.
  • mrDMH
    mrDMH Posts: 15
    Thanks for all the replies everyone :-)

    Cheers for the links, I'll take a look over them now. I decided to cycle in today, cycling in the pitch black wasn't too bad, 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour this evening. Might not have been a good idea considering I did 33 miles yesterday though... rest required..
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    Sprool wrote:
    Got some rollers a few weeks ago. If the weathers bad or its dark I spend 40 mis spinning on the rollers, great exercise, and really improves balance, fitness and pedal technique. Now I've not trie d a turbo but i think i'd agree with the people here that find them too boring to keep up regularly; the rollers really keep you focused or you'll fall off. I try to do at least 40 mins 5 days a week.

    :?: the OP want's to do some endurance training,so you recommend rollers because you can spin for 40 minutes. :!:
    did i miss something?

    IMO you need to get on the road.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly