Horse Head Hilarity

Posts: 5,992
Just been looking at some of the customer pics of this Amazon item and laughing like a drain! ... +head+mask ... +head+mask
Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
ABCC Cycling Coach
ABCC Cycling Coach
Lol - excellent stuff. Your head on order yet?Faster than a tent.......0
I did chuckle at the 'I went as Sarah Jessica Parker for Halloween' comment. A little cruel..but funny.0
I like the "Warning, choking hazard", imagine having to go to A&E and explain that you just happened to be eating a horse head when...0
This thread is useless without the pictures:0
I have to say, if you get a bit tipsy, they are bloody hilarious. This was me at home a couple of years ago.0 -
Magnificent stuff. Have got a Halloween party lined up that, despite the likely good company, involves fancy dress. That is now sorted thanks to the gift of rubbery equine heads. I may even try riding about with it on afterwards.Mangeur0
All the above is just advice .. you can do whatever the f*ck you wana do!
Bike Radar Strava Club
The Northern Ireland Thread0 -
This sort of thing would have literally sent me into a half hour fit of giggles when i used to 'puff the magic dragon' in my youth. Even now i laughed pretty damn hard, especially that last one. If only i had one of these back then...oh the possibilities!!0
I'm getting one.0
Gizmodo wrote:
Swear I had a dream like that once.0