Chain reaction holding onto credit card details

sandy771 Posts: 368
edited October 2012 in MTB general
I have just had some very good customer support from CR and appreciate the way in which they dealt with an issue very promptly.

However as part of the process they debited my credit card. I choose specifically not to have my personal information saved on their (and any other) site and I am quite happy to type in my card details on each visit. So I was quite suprised that they actually do keep hold of them.

Anyone have thoughts on this, should they be able to keep them if I actively opt out of storing them? It seems unreasonably that they should ask me whether I want the details storing and then store them anyway when I say no.


  • You tick to have to fill them in evertime, that doesnt mean they dont keep them, it just means they dont prompt them everytime you go to the checkout. Every company keeps your CC details somewhere if you use it.

    They use paypal, thats what you want if you dont want them holding onto your CC details
  • arcing
    arcing Posts: 57
    Correct, the options you select for how you interact with the website has no bearing on CRC's payments system.
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196
    edited October 2012
    Under the Data Protection Act (1998 iirc) any company that does hold any CC details or similar must by law hold them in password protected and or encrypted files, or if stored in physical form in "locked" storage/cabinets etc.

    Most of the important CC details are usually encrypted as they are sent and un-encrypted as they are received which is standard now with most, if not all secure online payment services.

    Paypal are/can be complete tossers and like to hold onto YOUR money as if it is THEIR money, and Paypal are not even regulated under the FSA in the UK or the USA equivilent.

    I prefer to use Google Checkout myself as they are regulated under the FSA in the UK, and unlike Paypal they certainly do not think your money is their money to hold onto...!

  • anj132
    anj132 Posts: 299
    jay197 wrote:
    Paypal are can be complete tossers and like to hold onto YOUR money as if it is THEIR money, and Paypal are not even regulated under the FSA in the UK or the USA equivilent.

    Are you sure they aren't FSA regulated? See point 2 on the link. ... ngdom.html

    Not sure how great the website is though... looks like it was made in MS paint.

    OP: I can't remember the data protection act or freedom of information act (if applicable) very well but I think you can request what they are holding ask for them to remove it if it is no longer necessary to be held.

    I agree you should be able to opt out and not have any details stored in principle but I don't know if you can enforce this or do much about it. Or if it's worth the effort.

    Data commissioner website might be of some help?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I have no issues with Paypal and won't buy off a site that doesn't use it. Just makes things simple.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Rushmore
    Rushmore Posts: 674
    I use paypal.. yes it is a bit of a faff to get your account verified and stuff.. but it's easy to transfer money back into back and visa versa.. and no one has any of my details..
    Always remember.... Wherever you go, there you are.

    Ghost AMR 7500 2012
    De Rosa R838
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Paypal is mega if your buying and mega sh1t your selling. Simple.
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    cooldad wrote:
    I have no issues with Paypal and won't buy off a site that doesn't use it. Just makes things simple.

    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • sandy771
    sandy771 Posts: 368
    jimmy182 wrote:
    Paypal is mega if your buying and mega sh1t your selling. Simple.

    Actually I see it different, I sell 10's of thousands a year via paypal and never have a prob, other than my main business account is linked to my email and I cant justify buying bike stuff from CR through my business account. Paypal works extremely well as a seller for me.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    As a tool it's great but it takes to much money off you for my liking.
  • sandy771
    sandy771 Posts: 368
    jimmy182 wrote:
    As a tool it's great but it takes to much money off you for my liking.

    Not far off what the banks (WorldPay, Streamline etc. - tried them...) take for a lesser service - paypal much easier to integrate.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Thing about paypal is, yes it's a buyer's tool and yes it's designed to favour them over sellers. But making buyers happier is still good for sellers.

    I've been ebaying stuff for years and I've had a couple of dodgy paypal claims, and the only one I lost was the one where I screwed up the process. And even then, it was 100% worth it, because paypal makes it easier to sell things.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    I buy a lot from the US and Paypal is brilliant for that. I recently bought something from a company in Belgium for £90, they didn't take Paypal so I had to pay by bank transfer, this cost me £10. So as I see it the Paypal fees are not too bad.

    Its when stuff goes bad through eBay or a sale and Paypal sort it out for you, that's what you pay Paypal fees for and IMO its well worth it. They've squared me away a few times due to dodgy sellers.
    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • anyway the guy is just a buyer so all this talk about paypal being poor for sellers(whether true or not) isnt very usefull
  • anj132
    anj132 Posts: 299
    anyway the guy is just a buyer so all this talk about paypal being poor for sellers(whether true or not) isnt very usefull

    sandy771 wrote:
    Actually I see it different, I sell 10's of thousands a year via paypal


    But yeah it has gone a bit off topic.
  • The OP was a buyer on CRC that wasnt happy his CC details were saved