Never was WTF?! more appropriate!


  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    That's a new low, even for Mansfield :roll:
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • What is going on with society. I weep for the future sometimes.

    We need more Felix Baumgartners' in this world to give us hope and inspire all of us to achieve the most we can.
    Trainee BC level 2 coach ... and that's offical (30th June 2013)

    Scott Addict R4 (2008)
    Scott Genius MC30 (2006)
    Quest carbon circa 1994 - winter bike
    Fuji Track Comp 2010
  • What is going on with society. I weep for the future sometimes.

    We need more Felix Baumgartners' in this world to give us hope and inspire all of us to achieve the most we can.
    or Lance Armstrong
  • I think this 15 year old is going to be an example of a person who cant be fixed no matter what program he undertakes
  • there will always be extremes of behaviour, nothing new, they are though , thankfully rare.

    The Bulger case springs to mind.....
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,843
    Is castration a cure ?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • lakesluddite
    lakesluddite Posts: 1,337
    Is castration a cure ?

    What - for him or his father? Preferably both, just to remove them from the gene pool.
  • liquor box wrote:
    I think this 15 year old is going to be an example of a person who cant be fixed no matter what program he undertakes

    Nasty aggressive dogs that attack people are just put down. I often find myself wishing we could do that with some of the worst examples of humanity such as this one. It almost doesn't matter what led to this, it's so far off the scale that it would probably be kinder in many ways - and not only to the people that wouldn't then become future victims.

    I know, I know... eugenics and all that. But even so...
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • without knowing all the surrounding issues, its pre-mature to judge, maybe the old man offered him some sweets :wink:
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    just remember, this is not a 'sign of the times' as is often trotted out, more a sign of all pervasive 24/7 streaming news media.
  • What the heck is going on?
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,843
    What the heck is going on?

    This is the abstract BB, don't you know that no-one here actually knows whats going on anyway ? What you have to do is open up a thread with the most laterally and inept concept and BINGO ! loads of lycra clad nutters post all sorts of rubbish not relating to anything. Haven't you noticed ? Try it and see.

    You see, if I know less than you forgot and you didn't find out about it then I would think that I know just a bit more than you do but actually I don't but I think I do. Got it ?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Thats cleared that up then :-)
  • Sounds logical to me!
  • A deserving cause for a bullet in the head.
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • A deserving cause for a bullet in the head.

    I think a sanding machine to the knob would be more appropriate.
  • CrackFox
    CrackFox Posts: 287
    What the heck is going on?

    Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy.
  • As the thread title says.

    Unbelieveable, I live in the same county as that despicable little sh1t. The young man is totally beyond help.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.