Where is Chris Carmichael?

Coach H
Coach H Posts: 1,092
edited October 2012 in Pro race
Have I missed his name in all the USDA docs?

For years all the doping pundits pointed their fingers at him due to being Lance's 'official' coach.
Now everything is pointing at Ferrari doing ALL the coaching and I have not seen Carmichaels name once.

Was he really not involved?
Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')


  • Coach H wrote:
    Have I missed his name in all the USDA docs?

    For years all the doping pundits pointed their fingers at him due to being Lance's 'official' coach.
    Now everything is pointing at Ferrari doing ALL the coaching and I have not seen Carmichaels name once.

    Was he really not involved?

    This has been discussed in the Lance stripped of 7 titles thread...
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    Coach H wrote:
    Have I missed his name in all the USDA docs?

    For years all the doping pundits pointed their fingers at him due to being Lance's 'official' coach.
    Now everything is pointing at Ferrari doing ALL the coaching and I have not seen Carmichaels name once.

    Was he really not involved?

    This has been discussed in the Lance stripped of 7 titles thread...

    Can you remember the page number? I thought I had pretty comprehensively reviewed the lot but must have missed this.

    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Still trapped in the paper bag he couldn't coach his way out of before Lance?
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • Coach H wrote:
    Coach H wrote:
    Have I missed his name in all the USDA docs?

    For years all the doping pundits pointed their fingers at him due to being Lance's 'official' coach.
    Now everything is pointing at Ferrari doing ALL the coaching and I have not seen Carmichaels name once.

    Was he really not involved?

    This has been discussed in the Lance stripped of 7 titles thread...

    Can you remember the page number? I thought I had pretty comprehensively reviewed the lot but must have missed this.


    No, sorry, but I think it was last Wed last week when a few of us posted re Carmichael
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    Well that was a lunch break wasted!

    Still could not find anything apart from a few responses to Iain asking much the same thing in July and getting pointless comments about the asylum.

    Oh well no-one else interested then, I'll move on :?
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • OK, in summary a few of us agreed that Carmichael was nothing more than a beard for Ferrari who was really Armstrong's trainer. In THE book, Hamilton basically says that he was never around and Armstrong never mentioned him, it was all Michele, Michele.

    (unless I'm imagining the discussion on the thread, which case, apologies - all this discussion and reading of the doping might be doing things to my own brain cells) :(
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    Wow, he'll be another bloke that LA will have creamed money from for using his name then. Carmichael was all over the web as the coach of LA. The following quote from his website suggests he was up to his tits in it to me, he too should be burnt IMHO (& the 7 titles thread is way to big and fast moving to keep up with from work :D );

    "In 1999, there was a huge disparity between the information and guidance available to professional endurance athletes and what was available for amateur competitors and enthusiasts. While working as the Men's Road Coach and National Team Director at USA Cycling in the 1990s Chris Carmichael and his fellow coaches had developed and applied cutting-edge science to the elite athletes they were working with, but those scientific and technological advances were largely unavailable to the tens of thousands of amateur athletes racing and participating in events every weekend. Having left USA Cycling to work exclusively with Lance Armstrong during the cyclist's battle with cancer, Chris recognized in 1999 that the methods and technology he was using – including the internet – had the potential to make world-class coaching and science available to everyday athletes."

    (EDIT) And
    "Chris Carmichael rode the Tour de France in 1986 with 7-Eleven and has been writing Tour de France commentary for the past 11 years."

    According to LA Confidentiel, this is where Armstrong started Cortisone abuse pre EPO According to the authors, cortisone abuse can create an illness that has significantly similar symptoms to Cancer. Once contracted, in 90% of occasions, it will go on to cause cancer, okey dokey.
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    OK, in summary a few of us agreed that Carmichael was nothing more than a beard for Ferrari who was really Armstrong's trainer. In THE book, Hamilton basically says that he was never around and Armstrong never mentioned him, it was all Michele, Michele.

    (unless I'm imagining the discussion on the thread, which case, apologies - all this discussion and reading of the doping might be doing things to my own brain cells) :(

    Thanks RR - that is what I suspected. He was used as a 'legitimate' front but the actual work was only ever done by Ferrari.

    He was present at races though so he must have been aware of the subterfuge happening in his name and was happy to take the risk of exposure to bring in the money
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    Coach H wrote:
    OK, in summary a few of us agreed that Carmichael was nothing more than a beard for Ferrari who was really Armstrong's trainer. In THE book, Hamilton basically says that he was never around and Armstrong never mentioned him, it was all Michele, Michele.

    (unless I'm imagining the discussion on the thread, which case, apologies - all this discussion and reading of the doping might be doing things to my own brain cells) :(

    Thanks RR - that is what I suspected. He was used as a 'legitimate' front but the actual work was only ever done by Ferrari.

    He was present at races though so he must have been aware of the subterfuge happening in his name and was happy to take the risk of exposure to bring in the money

    Does this mean we should all stop climbing at high cadence and climb a la Ullrich again, .................oh no
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    Nick Fitt wrote:
    Does this mean we should all stop climbing at high cadence and climb a la Ullrich again, .................oh no

    But that was one of the things sorounded the early romours. To pedal at the super high cadances a la Armstrong, the cardio vascular demands are so high that EPO was likely required.

    I think now higher cadances than old school grinding is generally accepted just not a monumentally high as Armstrong. No-one really rides at those extreeeme cadences any more, you would almost have to be 'dancing on the pedals'........ :shock:
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • lemon63
    lemon63 Posts: 253
    you would almost have to be 'dancing on the pedals'........

    a la Bertie ?
  • Nick Fitt
    Nick Fitt Posts: 381
    lemon63 wrote:
    you would almost have to be 'dancing on the pedals'........

    a la Bertie ?
    or use a compact chainset for the same effect????
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    Nick Fitt wrote:
    lemon63 wrote:
    you would almost have to be 'dancing on the pedals'........

    a la Bertie ?
    or use a compact chainset for the same effect????

    Perhaps Lemon has expressed my personal opinion more clearly
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Nick Fitt wrote:
    According to LA Confidentiel, this is where Armstrong started Cortisone abuse pre EPO According to the authors, cortisone abuse can create an illness that has significantly similar symptoms to Cancer. Once contracted, in 90% of occasions, it will go on to cause cancer, okey dokey.
    I found this which doesn't mention that at all. Definitely looks like an authoritative and unbiased site ;-)