Ferrari & Fuentes - financial records?

powerbookboy Posts: 241
edited October 2012 in Pro race
Reading the USADA decision there's a great deal of discussion about Ferrari's financial records, including details of specific riders that he was paid by.

I'm not a lawyer, but would publishing details of which athlete paid what to who be potentially prejudicial to trials? Not sure how jury selection works...

Admittedly it looks like some payment were made in cash to Ferrari, hence untraceable, but at the moment I'm left wondering if the very small number of names that have been released is the full extent of Ferrari's client list, or if large numbers of athletes from outside cycling are being protected.

I'm assuming the latter, but you never know; maybe the problem is more isolated than many of us believe, which makes the "everybody was doing it" defence even more indefensible.


  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    I'd be pretty certain Ferrari mostly worked with cyclists.

    The Italians will have a pretty complete list of who he's working with.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    ... would publishing details of which athlete paid what to who be potentially prejudicial to trials?

    I'm left wondering if the very small number of names that have been released is the full extent of Ferrari's client list, or if large numbers of athletes from outside cycling are being protected.
    I don’t know whether it is prejudicial to give payment figures, but I’ve anyway only seen 4 names with figures – LA’s $1 million plus over nearly 12 years, Hincapie’s $15,000 a year, Bertagnoli’s 12,000 Euros a year (so about the same as Hincapie), and Pozzato’s 40-50,000 Euros a year (so about half LA’s annual average).

    As for numbers, a French website names 53 pro cyclists and 5 top athletes (marathon-runners/triathletes) as clients of Ferrari. Being clients clearly doesn’t necessarily mean they all doped, but looking at the names, I’d say at most 10 didn’t dope, probably fewer.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,179
    There's the Ukrainian guy who said he had to pay 10,000 euros and that Ferrari wasn't too impressed at his limited salary (and had to purchase his own EPO).
  • Pross wrote:
    There's the Ukrainian guy who said he had to pay 10,000 euros and that Ferrari wasn't too impressed at his limited salary (and had to purchase his own EPO).

    Popovych's mate? that was quite the testimony...reading it just creates visions of Popo's reaction on the end of the call from the mate telling him that he's going to talk...