Racked up just over 30 miles today

Superbalicious Posts: 136
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
Porridge for breakfast, check
High5 energy drink in the cage, check
Garmin programmed and ready to go, check

Over the last few weeks I've been riding the same 15 mile route to see if I can slowly beat the virtual partner on my Garmin. Today however I wanted something different. I normally have ideas as to where I'd like to ride, look at a map the night before and by the time I get out on the bike I've forgotten where I was heading and ride the same old roads. Hence the reason I bought the Garmin. I programmed a 30 mile route and put it to the test today.

I tend to ride on my own and I'm not very good at pacing myself, so today I left the maps on display and didn't look at speed or heart rate once... I completed 31.5 miles in a shade over 2 hours. It was the most pleasant ride I've been on in ages. Using the maps on the garmin was great, approaching junctions gave a countdown in meters and seconds.

There were a few climbs, I'm sure nothing major for most, but I struggle with stamina so I just took it steady and could quite happily carry on once I'd reach the 'summit'. I had planned to stop just after half way, but I felt good and just kept racking up the miles. I must have seen about 60 other cyclists, solos, couples and one group with about 30 riders... Might have to try that one day!

Back home and I'd averaged 15.2mph which I'm pleased with (my average over my 15 mile run is just under 17mph). I felt good too. Not sure whether the energy drink helped, or whether it was just the enjoyment of the ride, but I'm feeling quite pleased this evening and wondering what route to plan next.

Here's to the next run...!
Still trying to convince the missus of the n+1 rule...!


  • Good effort mate, you're clearly enjoying time on the bike. Just keep on doing that and you'll be surprised how those hills start to welcome you. Enjoy the miles and reap the benefits.
  • hostman
    hostman Posts: 104
    Good job - Cycling different routes will keep you interested and provide more of a challenge.

    I did two 27 mile rides Saturday and Sunday, previous longest consecutive ride was 18 miles. The Saturday ride was my most enjoyable, the scenery was pretty awesome early morning and I was physically OK during and after the ride.

    Sunday wasn't as enjoyable, legs were a bit tired after Saturday but I managed it!

    15.2 mph average over that distance is pretty good, do that route again and you'll probably go faster.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Very good effort that. I have been riding reasonably regularly since about April and yesterdays 32 miles weren't any faster than that. In my defence it was moderately hilly and the wind was picking up so on the way back it was a bit of a struggle and I am also suffering a bit with my left knee. Having said all that I did do two segment PBs so not all in vain. I would encourage you to find a way of logging your rides either via one of the many smartphone apps or ideally with a Garmin device. In my experience hills never welcome you but you get faster for the same effort level - they always hurt!
  • Nice work!

    I did my longest ride at 27 miles today.

    Should have been 25 but got lost and nearly ended up on the M1 which I didn't fancy. 0.o
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.

  • Good job mate :) Completed my first 70 miles a few days back. Very happy myself ;)
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    islandman wrote:
    Good effort mate, you're clearly enjoying time on the bike. Just keep on doing that and you'll be surprised how those hills start to welcome you. Enjoy the miles and reap the benefits.

    I don't think hills ever 'welcome' you ;)
  • DavidJB wrote:
    islandman wrote:
    Good effort mate, you're clearly enjoying time on the bike. Just keep on doing that and you'll be surprised how those hills start to welcome you. Enjoy the miles and reap the benefits.

    I don't think hills ever 'welcome' you ;)

    They're like sirens. At the bottom you think 'hey this isn't so bad' then after the next 200m or so you're hanging out of your backside praying for the crest.
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.

  • Sounds like you've got the right attitude. We all want to get faster and fitter and know that to do that we need to ride. But in the long run, after the initial flush of enthusiasm, we will only ride if we enjoy it. Picking interesting routes and taking in the views is essential for me, also getting off main roads and onto quiet lanes, even if that does mean more hills. Google street view is great for checking out smaller lanes in advance.
  • Thanks for all the positive replies. I use a Garmin Edge 800 to record all my stats... cracking bit of kit. I'm already looking at my next route, one with a café would be good :) It wouldn't bother me if I didn't go any faster next time, as long as I get as much pleasure out of the ride.
    Still trying to convince the missus of the n+1 rule...!
  • I did 34 once owing to getting navigationally embarrassed, I can't afford a garmin so I have a photocopy of an ordinance survey map of the area in my pocket.
    My problem is I get on the bike and then it head down and go for it, I cannot help it. It bugs the life out of me as I know in order to benefit in this sport/recreation I need to slow down to 70%-75% effort and rack up the miles. But no Head down bang out 10-15miles best effort which is not good.
    Don't call me sir I work for a living
  • skooter
    skooter Posts: 264
    Well done from me as too... :D
  • I did 34 once owing to getting navigationally embarrassed, I can't afford a garmin so I have a photocopy of an ordinance survey map of the area in my pocket.
    My problem is I get on the bike and then it head down and go for it, I cannot help it. It bugs the life out of me as I know in order to benefit in this sport/recreation I need to slow down to 70%-75% effort and rack up the miles. But no Head down bang out 10-15miles best effort which is not good.

    I have the same problem.

    I know i'll get fitter faster if I slow down and pace myself but it's hard not to go full beans right off the bat.

    I'm slowly learning though. I have found that when you're halfway through the ride, utterly done in and knowing that the next half is just as hilly as the first is a very sobering way of learning to pace yourself :|

    As someone said earlier, the further into the Peak District I go, the more I appreciate the importance of enjoying the views and the country lanes. It also helps loads if you have something postcard-esque to look at while keeping cadence up.
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.

  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    Thanks for all the positive replies. I use a Garmin Edge 800 to record all my stats... cracking bit of kit. I'm already looking at my next route, one with a café would be good :) It wouldn't bother me if I didn't go any faster next time, as long as I get as much pleasure out of the ride.
    from chester its a good ride to the ponderrosa cafe at the horse shoe pass..very hilly as you get closer though.
    im going for my first 30 on sunday and the ponda will be the half way point.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • Well done OP, back in the day I started on 20 milers and average 50 mile rides nowadays. Youl be surprised how quickly you can get up to breaking the 100 mile limit.
    the deeper the section the deeper the pleasure.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    Longest ride clocked up for me today, 27 miles up and down some big old hills round Holmfirth, wessenden, greenfield and Marsden on the edge of the Peaks. I have a target to do a 50 miler in the spring. The last few miles (and hills) were pretty slow, but not a killer, I took a couple of granola bar things with me and paced myself. Aching knees when I got back but feel absolutely great now.
  • skooter
    skooter Posts: 264
    DavidJB wrote:
    islandman wrote:
    Good effort mate, you're clearly enjoying time on the bike. Just keep on doing that and you'll be surprised how those hills start to welcome you. Enjoy the miles and reap the benefits.

    I don't think hills ever 'welcome' you ;)

    Its the otherway round for me I love the hills and I'm just learning to stand on the pedals to go faster.. which is harder than I thought. :wink:
  • mmm. I am trying to get my speed up so I do Sportives with a medal. Averaged 18.6mph today over 45 on the 4th run on my new Merkx. But just to be clear this mostly flat, in Peak district terms.
  • Good to see lots of people building the miles and/or speed up :lol:
    elderone wrote:
    from chester its a good ride to the ponderrosa cafe at the horse shoe pass..very hilly as you get closer though.
    im going for my first 30 on sunday and the ponda will be the half way point.

    When I was 15 I used to ride with the Chester Road Club and wouldn't think twice about heading up the Horseshoe Pass... I recall the poor coach driver who didn't dare overtake me on the way down... 42mph is my all time record... although I'm too aware of the consequences of falling off to hit those speeds again :?

    I also road the Liverpool to Scarborough cost to coast charity ride in 1991 with my Father, my greatest ever achievement. I think that was 150 miles split over two days (I was 16 at the time and our stopover was Wetherby). I've had a break of nearly 20 years away from cycling (I blame cars and women) so I consider myself a beginner again!

    My challenge now is to complete the 90m route for the 2013 Chester to Liverpool ride (always wanted to ride through the Mersey Tunnel). I've shed two and a half stone, maybe another half or so to go... just need to rack the miles up. The weather looks good for Tuesday so I'm hoping to build on my last run :D
    Still trying to convince the missus of the n+1 rule...!