Big Decision in life...

scottbramwell Posts: 78
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
I have been thinking for a while if I should give the mountain biking up and take up road biking, and after yesterdays ride i decided that I was just not happy any more riding the mountain bike, fed up by the weather and the rough, bumpy and boggy terrain i am fed up. I was just not happy climbing the hill, struggling with my numb hand that i seem to get and just thinking will road biking benefit me, smoother rides, i can get out on it for an hour or so whenever possible, whereas riding to my closest ride on mountain bike is a bugger in itself. if it rains, an hour or so later am able to jump on a road bike, on mountain bike you know the terrain is gonna be muddy and a mess for days to come. So i've had it, mountain biking is over, so with the help of you guys I would like some advice on a road bike for a new beginner, unable to spend much i will be spending my time on gumtree and ebay, so any advice from you guys will be much appreciatted.
Whyte 801
The destination is not as important as the journey!!


  • What sort of budget are you looking at?
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MartAstur
    MartAstur Posts: 122
    I have read in some of the posts on this Forum that the Triban 3 is a good well priced road bike. Saw one yesterday in Decathlon and it looked good. I'm new to road cycling and love it and I'm sure you will enjoy the mud free rides :)
  • hipshot
    hipshot Posts: 371
    While you're looking for a road bike get out and ride your mtb on the road - if you don't already - and get used to riding in traffic, riding longer distances etc.

    If you want to stick with Specialized, there are tons of Allez second hand. Very popular and for good reason.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Convenience pretty much swung it for me too, although you can do both you know.
    I don't bounce as well as I used to either, so road biking has that added appeal.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Not that big a life decision really, i was expecting an emigration or a sex change or something, anyway i suppose i would just put some slicks on the mtb first then get a road bike after a few months maybe spring time.
  • I've done 500 miles on my MTB before ordering a roadie (not arrived yet). Slicks make a huge difference, so you can maybe get through winter on the MTB and get something shiny in spring - but if you find yourself riding 40+ miles regularly, you'll want a roadie sooner rather than later =)
  • As has been said, get a road bike and ride both when the mood / conditions suit.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    +1 for the MTB slicks. + another 1 for keeping both MTB and road bikes in your stable. Road bikes are a harsh ride after MTB with their skinny high pressure tyres, esp on the roads round our way, the surfaces are shocking. So dont always expect smoother rides, the individual bumps may be smaller but they are more frequent. I'm loving the roadie now though - able to cover so much more distance. Theres room in my life for a landrover and a ferrari.
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    Don't lose the faith. I am taking delivery of my first roadie this week, but in no way intend to stop MTB. I'm just retiring it for the winter as the practicalities of going MTB in the mud when you live in a 1 bed flat with no outdoor space is getting a bit wearing.

    But as you say. The roads dry out quicker than trails, so i hope to get some decent mileage in this winter. The rain just HAS to stop at some point, right? RIGHT????
  • Peat wrote:
    But as you say. The roads dry out quicker than trails, so i hope to get some decent mileage in this winter. The rain just HAS to stop at some point, right? RIGHT????

    Last winter was particularly dry (but bloody cold at times) .. we may be lucky again this year.
    Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail

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  • I rode my MTB for ages on the commute to get used to it before upgrading.

    Now it will be a while before I hear the call of the MTB trails again I think.

    It doesn't help that the MTB is stuck in the back of the garage with a dissolved chain, no pedals and in desperate need of a new groupset - something which I just cannot afford.
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    second hand specialized Allez great used buy. loads of them as said above. good bike
  • Bought my first road bike today. Planning to start riding to work and I'll use the MTB for that.

    Looking forward to finding out the difference in the ride. :lol:
  • Be careful with gumtree cycle thieves front of shop for many a bike (although also you can pick up a legal one). Check out this sites sales you never know what you might get. Now is the time to also bag a bargain on 2012 bikes end of season sales. I bought a Carrera TDF £300 ... e-11-44902
    So far I've enjoyed riding it.
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