First 100 mile run, Feel good

jagx400 Posts: 132
edited October 2012 in Road general
Well I did it, 106 miles. First 50 miles had some nasty hills, but the second bit was flat. Last 20 miles was a bit of an effort but I did it and am well chuffed.


  • Well done!

    I'm a beginner hoping to be able to say the same thing next August - 100 miles sounds like a hell of a long way, and a real achievement.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Well done. Do you now have a well deserved holiday in Skeggy? Did you do it for anything I particular, charity for example?
  • jagx400
    jagx400 Posts: 132
    Did it for the Midlands Air Ambulance and for the personal achievement. Didn't fancy staying too long in Skeggy, it was full of fat chavs in track suits playing slot machines :D . Not my idea of a holiday.
  • jagx400
    jagx400 Posts: 132
    Well done!

    I'm a beginner hoping to be able to say the same thing next August - 100 miles sounds like a hell of a long way, and a real achievement.

    I started gradually this time last year and the thought of anything over 5 miles was a dream, but stick with it and all comes together. I have gone from a fat oaf at 18st 6lb to 15st 3lb since March and am happy at this weight. My fitness has gone through the roof, I regularly cycle 50 plus miles and cycle to work every day. Cholesterol has gone from 7.1 down to 3.9. Who would have though a few miles on a bike could be so good for you.
  • Doing my first 100 in a couple of weeks. Slightly bricking it but going with a couple of good riders who will hopefully pull me through.

    Congratulations - I can imagine it's a pretty terrific feeling to know you've done it :):)
  • Hopefully I'll be joining the 100 mile club someday soon. Trying to build it up slowly with one of my latest rides being about 35.

  • jagx400
    jagx400 Posts: 132
    Doing my first 100 in a couple of weeks. Slightly bricking it but going with a couple of good riders who will hopefully pull me through.

    Congratulations - I can imagine it's a pretty terrific feeling to know you've done it :):)

    I was looking forward to it, everything was perfect, weather held, no punctures. Go with the right frame of mind and you will do it, best of look.

    And yes I am over the moon, its a great feeling telling everyone about, even though they look bored listening. :D:D:D
  • fsd61b
    fsd61b Posts: 109
    Well Done !
    What milage had you done prior to the 100? I've got up to 60 at present but thats in one go without stopping , I would imagine I would require at least one stop on a 100 m run?
  • jagx400
    jagx400 Posts: 132
    fsd61b wrote:
    Well Done !
    What mileage had you done prior to the 100? I've got up to 60 at present but thats in one go without stopping , I would imagine I would require at least one stop on a 100 m run?
    The most I had done was 70 miles with a 40 minute break, That was with a club. I tend to cycle on my own, besides commuting, I try to cycle 50 miles on a Sunday non stop.

    Yesterdays ride was about 50 miles then a 10 -15 min water top up break then back on the road. That was it really besides the usual toilet stops. In total our stops totalled 44 minutes. For some reason we seemed to be expelling more water than was putting in, mind it wasnt that warm.
  • jagx400 wrote:
    Did it for the Midlands Air Ambulance and for the personal achievement. Didn't fancy staying too long in Skeggy, it was full of fat chavs in track suits playing slot machines :D . Not my idea of a holiday.

    I told you to ride to Sutton-on-sea, far nicer place Skeg is a sh1t hole.

    Never-the-less well done on breaking your century cherry.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • fsd61b wrote:
    Well Done !
    What milage had you done prior to the 100? I've got up to 60 at present but thats in one go without stopping , I would imagine I would require at least one stop on a 100 m run?

    No you wouldn't fella, assuming the route is flat to flatish.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • jagx400
    jagx400 Posts: 132
    jagx400 wrote:
    Did it for the Midlands Air Ambulance and for the personal achievement. Didn't fancy staying too long in Skeggy, it was full of fat chavs in track suits playing slot machines :D . Not my idea of a holiday.

    I told you to ride to Sutton-on-sea, far nicer place Skeg is a sh1t hole.

    Never-the-less well done on breaking your century cherry.

    Me thinks you were right :lol:
  • I did a 100 miler on my own a few weeks back. Only reason was to prove I could do it. I did stop a couple times, but not for long. Felt better than I expected after too which was the added bonus. :-)
  • fsd61b
    fsd61b Posts: 109
    jagx400 wrote:
    fsd61b wrote:
    Well Done !
    What mileage had you done prior to the 100? I've got up to 60 at present but thats in one go without stopping , I would imagine I would require at least one stop on a 100 m run?
    The most I had done was 70 miles with a 40 minute break, That was with a club. I tend to cycle on my own, besides commuting, I try to cycle 50 miles on a Sunday non stop.

    Yesterdays ride was about 50 miles then a 10 -15 min water top up break then back on the road. That was it really besides the usual toilet stops. In total our stops totalled 44 minutes. For some reason we seemed to be expelling more water than was putting in, mind it wasnt that warm.

    Thats it ! I'm going for it! Thanks for the inspiration. On the toilet stop front.... I have noticed the same of late, must be the colder weather?
  • well done, great achievement
  • jagx400
    jagx400 Posts: 132
    mikecassie wrote:
    I did a 100 miler on my own a few weeks back. Only reason was to prove I could do it. I did stop a couple times, but not for long. Felt better than I expected after too which was the added bonus. :-)
    Feels good doesn't it :D:D:D:D:D