31 miles and really chuffed!!

clelanj Posts: 68
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
As the title says, I have just ridden 31 miles and am really proud of my achievement. I've only had my bike for about six weeks now and can only get out at the weekend because of work commitments. I'm 47 and had two bouts of major back and bowl surgery over the past 7 years.

In the week I try and get on the treadmill in the garage (walking only as running affect my back) which is helping build up stamina by using the incline and am increasing my weekend rides gradually.

I still NEVER believed I would be able to get over 25 miles on a bike again!

I went out last weekend with a friend and we did 24.7 miles so I didn't want to post a 25 mile achievement as I was just short. Back out today on my own and kept to a steady pace and achieved my 25 mile +6. Maybe one day I'll hit the big 50 (miles and age!!) :D

By the way, a big thank you to everyone on this forum - its excellent - everyone really supportive and there is a real wealth of knowledge.

Thanks John
