Maverick54 Posts: 34
edited October 2012 in Road general
All. Don't spend your hard earned cash on Tyler Hamilton's new book. Simply read the USADA's Reasoned Decision document here:


£9.99 saved!


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Have you read his book!?
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    I'd read his book, its very good
  • Defyand
    Defyand Posts: 49
    Goop tip Mav, but the book is good!
  • I have read it, yes. And it is good, but reading the USADA statement was almost a carbon copy! All a complete eye opener though. I mean, we all suspected shenanigans in that era, but to see how deep and thorough it actually all was is shocking!
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    I downloaded the 'reasoned decision...' it did read very well for such a document.
    (I do hope all those who are contributing to abundance of LA threads have actually now read it .. :wink: )
  • JGSI wrote:
    I downloaded the 'reasoned decision...' it did read very well for such a document.
    (I do hope all those who are contributing to abundance of LA threads have actually now read it .. :wink: )

    Have now...just a bit too late to stop foot getting firmly wedged in mouth! :roll:
  • Come on now, you cannot post about money saving on a cycling website. You know as soon as you are bitten all you are doing is opening up a money pit. :wink:
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...