Strava keeps crashing, what other apps are good?

Atari Boy
Atari Boy Posts: 26
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
Strava has crashed on my last two rides losing all my data for the ride.

What other iphone apps do people use? Measuring my progress keeps me motivated.


  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    iPhone 5?

    never crashed on my 4 or 4s
  • No 4S, only crashed since iOS6 update.
  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    Have you got the latest update? there was one on the 8th of this month

    Has fixes for IOS6
  • hostman
    hostman Posts: 104
    I use MapMyRide on an iPhone 5, not had any problems with it.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    Cyclemeter is good for me. Doesn't crash on ios 6.
  • Bustacapp
    Bustacapp Posts: 971
    Use a generic GPS tracking app and then export the GPX file and upload it to Strava. Uses less battery and mine doesn't even require a data connection.
  • Lion-O
    Lion-O Posts: 48
    I use Endomondo and never had a problem with it.
  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    Looks like its not an ios6 thing

    i updated mine after posting on here to the latest version and it crashed on the way home

    now to see if i have a backup of the old version
  • Atari Boy
    Atari Boy Posts: 26
    edited October 2012
    I have just had a reply from Strava,

    Sorry for the trouble. Please log off, quit the app, reboot your phone and then start everything back up again. Of course let me know if you continue to have problems. I apologize again as I know this is frustrating.

    Strava Support Team

    I will give it a go, although Cyclemeter looks good if problems persist.
    Thanks for your input.
  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    Definitely the new version, re-installed version 2.2.4 and no more crashes
  • If I delete and reinstall the app, I would lose my data would I not?
  • Atari Boy wrote:
    If I delete and reinstall the app, I would lose my data would I not?

    i wouldnt have thought so as it all uploads to their site....the app is just a way of recording the info, then it uploads that info from you device. As mentioned you can get much better thorough apps elsewhere then upload the info to strava. I use wife prefers this too as she can track me live. Much more features.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    Atari Boy wrote:
    If I delete and reinstall the app, I would lose my data would I not?

    No - I recently did this as it wouldn't start after IOS 6 loading. Back to normal now.
  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    you wont lose your data, its all kept on strava's own servers
  • BlakeysFC
    BlakeysFC Posts: 233
    Been using Strava for 11 weeks now and never had any problems with it myself.
  • Software deleted and reinstalled. Lets see what happens on Saturday.
  • meursault
    meursault Posts: 1,433
    +1 for Endomondo. Excellent site.
    Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.

  • Update: worked five today after the reinstaln. Thanks for everyone suggestions, I have downloaded Cyclemter which looks like a good app too.