Fallen off my mountain bike and dislocated my collarbone...

kn0bby Posts: 78
edited May 2017 in MTB general
Hi Guys,

Not posted many times but since the darker evenings have been closing in i've been trying to get out on my mountain bike in the evenings. Me and a friend go through the local woods, its great fun and normally we have a great time.

We were flying down a single track when a large tree log had fallen across the path appeared out of nowhere, I hit the brakes very hard and the front wheel slipped and I went flying over the handle bars doing a superman straight into the log with my shoulder hitting it first. I carried on riding for a bit but was in agony so decided to call it a night.

The next day I went to the hospital and got an X-Ray, end result is i've dislocated my collarbone. I've been on pain killers and resting since last Thursday so nearly a week. I've got more movement back, but I think this is where I am less stiff, it still kains to lift up my arm.

Just wondered what sort of recovery time I can expect before jumping back on my bike.. Doc says 1 week in a sling, and 2-3 weeks on pain killers..


My body armour turned up that day... it was just a casual night ride, oh how I wish i'd worn it now, i think things would have been different.


  • I think it will be at least a couple of months, my brother had a similar injury and his was a couple of months, unlucky that fella washed out myself tonight nothing like that though, looks like you may be off the bike a while, hope you have a speedy recovery.
    work hard, play hard, fall hard

    cube stereo 2010

    Felt Z95 2013
  • Had an over the bars experience a couple of years back, landed head (thankfully helmet) first then shoulder. Still felt discomfort and couldn't sleep on my right side for six months. I am very old though so recovery times are longer. Perhaps you need more powerful/focussed lights to see further ahead more clearly?
  • Sorry, should have said that I was back riding two days later. Didn't know it was possible to dislocate a clavicle either, heard of broken ones. Back to school for me then!
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    luckily I had a full face helmet on, else I think it could have been worse as I bashed my head pretty bad.

    I do have a pretty bright light but I had it on the wrong setting. I use a magic shine MJ-816.

    I'm hoping to be back on a bike by December..
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    Tendon injuries can take a long time to recover, broken bones are quicker, I'd say your off it for at least 6 weeks, possible 8 or even 10.

    You landed wrong, when I had similar I broke 2 ribs, finished the rest of the ride (6 miles) and only needed 2 weeks out - mind you riding the MTb was less painful than laughing!
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • dmorton
    dmorton Posts: 244
    Hopefully you're seeing a physio. Be religious with what they give you to do and do it for as long as they tell you. It will help (most probably) but it's also likely to hurt too!

    Maybe consider a private sports physio too if you can afford it. My experience of NHS ones is that they'll get you back to a point, i.e. you can move your arm freely and strength is back but won't take it further to get you back on the bike etc.
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    I went to the hospital on Monday and was basically told to rest it for a week, and would probably been on pain killers for 2-3 weeks. Made no mention of physio or exercises. I am due to go back to get some more pain killers next week so I might ask the doc what she recommends.
  • tudj
    tudj Posts: 254
    Physio is a good idea after an injury such as this, I had a similar crash about a month ago although I only got muscle damage, no dislocations. Because the muscles and ligaments around whatever has dislocated have been stretched beyond what they're supposed to do there will be some damage, the surrounding muscles will be working overtime to take the strain of those damaged muscles and the whole area will tighten up. The muscles will also be weaker due the damage, I'm 4 weeks on from my crash and only about 60% recovered strength wise. I see a private sports physio and I highly recommend it, they know what the muscles can/can't take and will give you strengthening exercises accordingly. They'll usually give massages to the effected area too to loosen off the muscles. Even if you can only afford a consultation (£30-45) then it's a good idea because they'll at least be able to give you a good idea of what exactly is going on and what you should do/avoid.

    If you decide not to get some physio just be careful when you get back on the bike, you will have lost strength so will need to build up again, don't go straight back to the intensity of riding you were at when you crashed otherwise you risk even more damage to the same muscles.
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    I had a similar injury last year but with a fracture as well. Hurt like a bastard for about three week but after four weeks I was back out riding again and downhill racing after six weeks.
    Body armour probably won't have prevented the injury, it doesn't really give your shoulder or collar bone any protection from breaks of dislocation.
    Just keep resting it and let the muscle heal well and keep up the exercises that the physio tells you to. Don't be tempted to ride too early.
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    Just give an update...

    Thought i'd try and give weekly updates on my progress to give anyone else who has a similar injury some information as I found it really difficult to find any info on other people who had the same experience.

    Well its just over 2 weeks on and I'm getting some movement back, I can do a shoulder press (without weight), its slow and slightly uncomfortable but not painful. I can put wash my hair again with that arm, its not comfortable but possible. I still cannot put jumpers or fleeces on by myself as I send to get stuck in them, well getting in is possible but getting out I need help! I am nearly off the pain killers, week 1 i was taking two four times a day, where as now I am taking two just before I go to bed and this week perhaps 2 days I took a couple in the day also but only when it was uncomfortable. I can hold a shopping bag in the arm but I couldn't lift it to any height.

    I wanted to get on the turbo trainer this week but failed three times due to being too tired so signed this week off and will try and this coming week.

    My shoulders are still unbalanced and you can still see my collarbone is raised slightly (arm side).

    Going to find out about some physio next week..
  • Carl170
    Carl170 Posts: 99
    I would just make sure you try to let it heal properly and don't force anything (although it can be frustrating while you are waiting).

    I had a wrist injury about six years ago when out cycling. It hurt for weeks, but I went back to the gym as soon as it felt OK. Ended up getting too cocky and did my wrist in again. This time it took about 5 months to heal properly.

    I think the worst thing is that you forget you are injured and just go to lift something, or do something and you undo everything again!

    Take it easy.


  • sofaboy73
    sofaboy73 Posts: 574
    to the OP, from what you're describing there as a 'dislocated collar bone' sounds very much to me like you've sprung your ac joint (there a bit of ligament that holds the end of your collarbone to your shoulder blade - you've either sprained or snapped this).

    if you can see an imbalance / can see lump on the top of your shoulder from the end of you collar bone / you arm has dropped down and forward, the bad news is that you've torn the ligament and it will always be like this. the good news is, apart from looking a bit weird, it doesn't actually make any difference normally.

    get yourself to a decent physio for some strength exercises asap. one that worked really well for me to get the mobility back was standing facing a wall, and rolling a tennis ball around the wall with the palm of you hand with the arm straight. some people (including me) do get a weakness in the shoulder following these injuries, however this is normally when lifting a weight with your arm straight etc, rather than weakness in a force such as bracing on your handle bars (if that makes sense?) so again shouldn't really effect your riding.

    in regards to recovery, i would move the joint as much as you can without being in pain. i found the quicker i got it mobile, the quicker the injury stabilised. after a grade 4 separation i was back riding tentatively within 6 weeks.

    depending on how bad the collarbone sticks out, it would recommend riding with some shoulder pads from now on (something like 661 sub gear) as i can tell you from personal experience it's really bloody painfull the second time you crash on it (unprotected). however since using subgear i've had a couple of big off's landing on the dodgy shoulder, with no problems.

    take it easy when you get back on the bike as i found it had knocked my confidence a bit, however this quickly comes back and after a few months you won't notice the injury any more
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    I was told it was a dislocated collarbone, and i'd torn the ligaments at the end which I believe is a Grade 2 (AC ligaments torn but CC ligaments intact) dislocation. The factor clinic doctor said it was very common and it would repair with time.

    Got the Physio tomorrow at 4pm.. will report back..

  • sofaboy73
    sofaboy73 Posts: 574
    Fingers crossed for you. If you've not damaged the cc ligaments hopefuly you'll avoid the slightly lobsided look that I and several of my climber friends, now permantly have.

    When I originally went to the hospital with mine (after doing it in the alps a week prior), they rather helpfully said all they could do was spring the other one so I was symmetrical!
  • Jimx26
    Jimx26 Posts: 147
    I feel your pain (literally) I dd a grade 4 separation on Saturday and fingers crossed they are operating in the morning with a procedure called AC joint tight rope fixation.

  • FSR_XC
    FSR_XC Posts: 2,258
    This must be common - separated my shoulder 8 weeks ago
    Stumpjumper FSR 09/10 Pro Carbon, Genesis Vapour CX20 ('17)Carbon, Rose Xeon CW3000 '14, Raleigh R50

  • DanDax1990
    DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
    More importantly, How's the bike?

    I agree with maybe more lighting too, Good light but didn't seem bright enough to me for trails riding at night. Maybe twin lights on the bars and a helmet mounted torch?

    Hope you make a speedy recovery.
  • I know you only dislocated instead of break your clavvy but this thread might be useful

    http://www.pinkbike.com/forum/listcomme ... tid4247131

    Healing vibes .....
  • Dislocated my collar bone just over 2 years ago. mine came away from the sternum, was yours at the shoulder?
    Basically could barely move with the pain for the first week & had to sit up to sleep at night, then the pain changed from a very sharp pain to an aching pain, then got slowly better.
    I was on a road bike after 5 weeks, and back proper biking after about 7. Still have problems with shoulder strength now, and wish i had seen a physio from the start. Hopefully the fact fact that you are seeing one now will make your recovery go well.
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    A little update.. Its 4 weeks tomorrow.. Went to the Physio last Friday, I got the feeling they were a little confused as to why I was there as the movements they had me doing I completed fine. It was only one movement which hurt. So perhaps I am little further on than I thought I was.

    I have been back on my road bike on the turbo trainer a couple of time, legs kained after not being on the bike for a few weeks. Shoulder was fine and I could put my weight on it on the bike but after 40 minutes it did hurt a little.

    I've cancelled next weeks physio session, might go back the week after.

    Pretty much off the pain killers now, can put jumpers and coats on easy now. Still find washing hair uncomfortable.

    Anyone tried one of these outs?
    http://www.bikeradar.com/mtb/gear/categ ... e-12-46518
  • RandG
    RandG Posts: 779
    Just out of interest, how dark was it ? The video makes it look quite dark and or your lights are terrible ?

    My point I guess is, your lights seem terrible :?
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    Yeah it was dark, in the countryside with no moon so I'd say pretty dark.

    After the crash I realised I didn't have them on the highest setting.

    They are very good when used correctly. It was our first rides out this year. I'd forgotten my head torch and wrong setting on main lights so you could say I was a bit of a prat.
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    Well Its about 8 weeks on now..

    It got better around 5-6 weeks but Its hurting again. Pondering on whether to go back to the docs to get it checked out again.

    Been riding regularly now on the Mtb bike, nothing serious just country lanes and a bit of delicate off road. Been using the turbo trainer a fair amount with the road bike but the extra weight on the shoulders does seem to irritate it.

    My collarbone sticks up most of the time now.
  • i broke my colarbone about 16 years ago ( 38 now ) jump off a 5ft drop off , landed ok but about few yards down my bars just without warning locked to the left and threw me over the bars then OUCH :shock: thought id broken my shoulder but then noticed my colarbone was deffo snapped as it was almost through my skin ! i was miles from home and up a mountain so had to push down it and rode home 1 handed in pain/shock .

    my left colarbone is still broken and overlaps at the break ( docs said it would be fine as is ! ) but now my left shoulder has dropped down about a inch and now and then aches like hell !
  • Chalky76
    Chalky76 Posts: 260
    To the OP, from a recent crash and operation, what you describe is as Sofaboy says. I landed on my shoulder amonth ago and it turned out to be a grade 3 AC joint disruption. You end up with a raised shoulder where the clavicle has separated from your shoulder blade. I'm 3 weeks now since an op known as Surgilig and its getting better slowly.

    As someone else has mentioned, armour would not necessarily help this sort of injury, but wear it anyway as sods law you'll whack something else next time!
    ride your bike like a kid whilst you still can

    Transition Blindside = http://www.flickr.com/photos/traceychalk/5335403095/
  • kn0bby
    kn0bby Posts: 78
    Is about 12-14 weeks on now. Riding my mountain bike (with care) and road bike lots again. At least three times a week. Also trying to do a couple of weights sessions a week. The cycle seems fine. Get a few aches the next day, the weights really help and making stronger seems to be doing the trick. But having 3 months off the training and with a nervous shoulder makes training really tough.

    Still feels awkward to sleep on but I can and if I sit funny it aches.

    Will try and keep updated after this.
  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    Keep with the physio exercises and strengthening the area it'll get better. I'm 4 months on from surgery to fix a broken collar bone and sleeping is fine now. Had issues sleeping on the bad side at first but now have very little problems.
  • Pnutz
    Pnutz Posts: 2
    I dislocated my clavicle week and a bit ago. Grade 3 dislocation apparently. It doesn't really hurt just tender around the bone which is now also a pronounced lump and I can't hold my arm out in front of me.

    Trying to rest plenty doing some pendulum exercises in second week

    Not happy having a lump but I don't really care as long as I can ride MTB again. Its killing me not knowing how I'll heal up
  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    This post had been fast asleep for over 4 years then you come along with your great big hob nail boots and wake it up, have you no sense of decorem.
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"