First commute in a while...and then

pinno Posts: 52,915
edited October 2012 in Commuting general
There I was all kitted out and looking forward to a commute. Happy not to give lifts to (lazy) members of staff. Its not far, about 36 miles round trip and the roads here although hilly are pretty quiet too.
Panniers, lights, spares, wet weather gear, pack lunch, change of clothing...
5 miles down the road, I thought "oh f*ck, forgot the yard keys", turned around and now had to go hell for leather 'cos I was now short of time. Off again. Left Cleat fitting is squeaking like a Jenny until 2 miles later, decides to come almost completely off. But I was pushed for time so I perservered.
As I got closer to work, approaching a roundabout and in a futile attempt to make a track stand, I tried to get my foot out of the pedal and as I always unclip on my right... wallop, hit the deck. Too slow to react and take the left pedal out. Driver behind me laughing his socks off at the mess unfolding in front of him until he got impatient and starts beeping his horn at me and waving his fist.
Everything spued out of the panniers and just as I was packing it all in, it starts to rain and rain in buckets. Slightly shook up but saved from harm by the panniers and track mitts. Finally got to work soaked after a mile walk in the rain, right shoe stuck in the pedal, scraping on the ground all the way. I had to get a lift home.
Great, love this commuting business.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!


  • Initialised
    Initialised Posts: 3,047
    And I thought I was having a bad day when my BB gave out. Always someone worse off I guess.
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.
  • Funnily enough after a wee while I've just started to commute.

    I can only manage 3 days a week and its only 7 miles so I didnt see the point in taking my best bike, so I got a cheap frame off ebay which I was hoping to build up next year, an old Bentlet Raider from the 80's - but needs must. I had to put an old seatpost on that I found in the shed, but it had no screws to attach the saddle so I resorted to using 2 long screws that normally attach the brake callipers to the frame - what could go wrong.

    Well about 1 mile in on the return jorney and I hear a chink chink. I pedal on thinking I'd just run over some loose road debris when I realise my saddle is slipping.

    I check the post and the screws have totally gone. My only option was to take my buff and tie the saddle down. I didnt fancy being on a bike, clipped in - so I decided to take my shoes off and stick them down the from of me top. 6 miles to home - shoeless, saddle-less and into the rain. I might get a taxi next time.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,816
    The daughters BF snapped the top of his saddle clamp off when the (single) bolt snapped......
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    Just started a commute route this week on a 16 year old Hawkwind Cupressa (7 speed suntour with fix block freewheel) the new route is 15 miles and 13 miles in the ride gets rough. Soldiering on I get to work and realise I've spent the last couple of miles getting a damn good rimming. Rear tyre completely shredded. Anyone recommend a tyre good for 6000 to 10000 miles for a guy on a very tight budget?

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Cleat and pinarello001 posting real posts on Commuting General? Have I stumbled into some sort of pre-Partition parallel universe?
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}