Alcohol & Cycling



  • Last time I rode a bike when I was really mashed, I went over the front of a car. A parked car. Not only that, but for some reason I'd done my toe straps up tight (it was that long ago) and was now upside down between two parked cars, strapped to the bike. Took me 10 minutes to escape. Then when I tried to get back on the bike, I kept falling off the other side. Pushed the bike home.
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    When I was about 18 or 19 my mates' parents were away, leading to the inevitable house party and its unintended mishaps - one of the lads passed out from too much juice and some bright spark decided to dunk his head upside down in the pond. Naturally he got dropped. Soon came round though.

    After consuming two 1l bottles of Russia's finest I decided that a bottle of coke was in order from the petrol station a mile or so away. Didn't want to walk so took my bike and somehow managed to get back to the party whilst carrying one bottle in each hand on the handlebars. When I got back some of the guys were in the front garden and one enquired as to where I'd been. This led to me triumphantly lifting each hand from the bars and displaying my wares. Given that my feet were still in my toe clips and not on the ground you can imagine the flawless sideways collapse. I had a bruise the whole length of my shin for what seemed about 3 months. To make matters worse when I got home the next day I found my wallet in the kitchen. I can only assume I pinched the cokes.

    Haven't cycled whilst under the influence (at least not to that extent) since.
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • memsley89
    memsley89 Posts: 247
    I've cycled the 10miles home after all my nights out for a good few years...
    (the last train is at midnight and I hate buses, so it's my only option really)

    Only ever been pulled up once by the rozzers,
    and that was because there had been a burglary in the area and they were asking for witnesses!
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    This thread really should be in LFGSS' rides and races :lol: