giant defy sizing



  • Jon_1976 wrote:
    I'd say a medium would be fine. I'm 5'10" tal with a 32.5" inseam and ride a medium. I definitely wouldn't want a m/l as the reach was right on the limit of what I found comfy on the m. I swapped the bars to some cheap compacts (dead rhm02) to reduce the reach and drop, plus I don't like the ergo bars that came fitted. Great bikes.

    Going off your arm span, I think you'd find the medium comfy straight from the shop. As mentioned, I swapped the stock bars as the reach was borderline for me. My arm span is slightly less than yours. Still toying with the idea of trying a slightly shorter stem.

    Thank you. Now I must wait for my Defy until February 10th.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    I'm an average sized 5'10" and went for a M/L as medium felt a little cramped in the shop. I switch between being tremendously comfortable and getting neck ache on it. The only thing I did was fit a 90mm stem which helped a bit. I'm generally very happy with it and manage to get along very nicely thank you! My only gripe is the neck ache I get after about 30 miles but that's eased up considerably so I put it down to being an absolute beginner.

    Having said that, if anyone just a bit taller has a M frame and can't help but think that M/L might have been better, I'd be happy to consider a swap!!
  • johngti wrote:
    I'm an average sized 5'10" and went for a M/L as medium felt a little cramped in the shop. I switch between being tremendously comfortable and getting neck ache on it. The only thing I did was fit a 90mm stem which helped a bit. I'm generally very happy with it and manage to get along very nicely thank you! My only gripe is the neck ache I get after about 30 miles but that's eased up considerably so I put it down to being an absolute beginner.

    Having said that, if anyone just a bit taller has a M frame and can't help but think that M/L might have been better, I'd be happy to consider a swap!!

    Please, could you tell me if I understand exactely?

    You are 5" 10".
    You have an M/L Defy.
    You think that probably M was better.

    As I wrote I am 5' 9" and I 'm waiting for an M size, but I couldn't try it out.
  • dowtcha
    dowtcha Posts: 442
    I am 5 foot 8 with a inseam of 31.5. I have a defy in a medium and its a good fit. The shop tried to sell me a M/L as they had one in stock but I waited of the medium. I think you will be fine with the size you ordered.
  • Primus84
    Primus84 Posts: 109
    I think shops must buy loads of the M/L as they seem to push it at everyone regardless of height!
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    johngti wrote:
    I'm an average sized 5'10" and went for a M/L as medium felt a little cramped in the shop. I switch between being tremendously comfortable and getting neck ache on it. The only thing I did was fit a 90mm stem which helped a bit. I'm generally very happy with it and manage to get along very nicely thank you! My only gripe is the neck ache I get after about 30 miles but that's eased up considerably so I put it down to being an absolute beginner.

    Having said that, if anyone just a bit taller has a M frame and can't help but think that M/L might have been better, I'd be happy to consider a swap!!

    Please, could you tell me if I understand exactely?

    You are 5" 10".
    You have an M/L Defy.
    You think that probably M was better.

    As I wrote I am 5' 9" and I 'm waiting for an M size, but I couldn't try it out.

    Yep, I think M will be just right for you - stop worrying and enjoy the excitement of getting a new bike :)
  • Jon_1976
    Jon_1976 Posts: 690
    Agreed, shops always seem to want to push you into the bigger size. I've had 2 54cm road bikes and found them fine. I decided to have a look in Evans at the Tricross range, told them I was 5'10" and they said I should be using a 56cm :? TO be fair, I think I recall Specialized having a size guide and they do say 56cm for 5'!0". But after telling them numerous times I've found 54cm frames perfect and was one was an Allez, they kept trying to palm a 56cm Tricross on to me. Ended walking out :evil:

    Renato, its a shame you can't try the Defy.It doesn't help that the geo on the Giant web site is less detailed than others but I still think M is the size to go for. As a comparison, I previously had a 54cm Allez (which I found perfect) and a 54cm CAAD8. Looking at the goes of both, they look very similar but I found the CAAD a tad more stretched. Switched to a 90mm stem from the stock 100mm and found it perfect (the Allez had a 100mm, never needed to change). I probably would have got used to the dale with the 100mm eventually though. Tried the medium Defy and it felt more like the Dale in terms of reach. I've only been using it for a couple of weeks and sometimes felt it is perfect, but sometimes feel a slightly shorter stem would be ideal. Probably just need more time to get used to it fully.
    I always prefer the smallest recommended frame size for my height.
  • johngti wrote:
    I'm an average sized 5'10" and went for a M/L as medium felt a little cramped in the shop. I switch between being tremendously comfortable and getting neck ache on it. The only thing I did was fit a 90mm stem which helped a bit. I'm generally very happy with it and manage to get along very nicely thank you! My only gripe is the neck ache I get after about 30 miles but that's eased up considerably so I put it down to being an absolute beginner.

    Having said that, if anyone just a bit taller has a M frame and can't help but think that M/L might have been better, I'd be happy to consider a swap!!

    Please, could you tell me if I understand exactely?

    You are 5" 10".
    You have an M/L Defy.
    You think that probably M was better.

    As I wrote I am 5' 9" and I 'm waiting for an M size, but I couldn't try it out.

    What he is trying to say is that he got the wrong size and now wants to swap it with someone else who has the wrong size! If it felt a bit cramped a longer stem would have been better than a bigger frame. A 90mm stem is an indication that the bike is too big.

    Giants run big (no pun intended) in my experience. my Defy M/L looked massive compared to my Ribble 872, so much so that I thought I had got the sizing wrong on the Ribble. It was the other way round! Defy now gone, never looked back.
  • prando
    prando Posts: 47
    5'10 and have 2013 Defy1 M/L. It seems ok albeit I have been tinkering with saddle position and handlebars. I have fitted an adjustable stem as I wanted to raise the bars to assist in relief of carpel pins and needles.
    love the bike !
  • alidaf
    alidaf Posts: 147
    I'm 5'8" with long legs. The M fit me the best but I often thought the stem was a little long.
  • alidaf wrote:
    I'm 5'8" with long legs. The M fit me the best but I often thought the stem was a little long.

    How much is the stern standard lenght?
  • 100mm on a medium.
  • mabbo
    mabbo Posts: 117
    j0sh123 wrote:
    I know Giant's defy range uses compact,

    I'm 5'4'' (165cm) with a 31'' (78cm) inside leg measurement, so am I right to be looking at the 'small' frame sizes?
    I will pop into my LBS as soon as possible to have a ride but until i'm able to do that i'm just browsing possible bikes... :lol:
    does anyone have any experience with these bikes and how they fit i.e. biggish/ smallish?

    I have a defy 1, 2010 model. I am 5ft 8in. I have a short body but long arms, inside leg 31". I went for the small after having it fitted in my LBS. It's all about the top bar and how far you are stretched to the bars. The seat posts on modern bikes have ridiculous amounts of travel, so the leg measurement is not as important as there is loads of adjustment. In my experience too many riders go for a frame that's too big,(being Macho), also, the smaller the frame, the lighter it will be comparatively.
  • dugliss
    dugliss Posts: 235
    I`m 5`8" with short legs and I recently sold a Defy in medium as it always felt too stretched out for me. I changed to shorter reach bars and then put an 80mm stem on which helped a little but made the steering really twitchy and horrible. I`ve since tried a small frame and it immediately felt right despite the Giant specific store telling me it was too small for me and I should be on a medium. Go with what feels right and not what a salesman decides he/she wants to sell you
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    I,m 5Ft 8ins tall with an inside leg of 31 ins and ride a Defy 4 from 2010. Fits great and still the original stem,bars etc. It,s only a winter bike with lights and mud catcher on the rear but it,s been a fine winter bike so far.
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • So, finally, I didn't buy the Defy Advanced 2. After three months it wasn't deiveredd and they don't know when they could do it because there are troubles between Giant and the italian importer.

    I decided to change and buy a Wilier GTR Ultegra. Maybe Giant Advanced frame is a bit better, but I could buy Ultegra instead of 105 saving 50 € too.
  • Schoie81
    Schoie81 Posts: 749
    Just to add to the list, I'm about 5'7" ish with 33" inside leg and my Defy is an 'M' which fits me fine.
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • oh no.
    My defy 2 has arrived at the shop today and I am collecting it tomorrow. lad at the shop said I looked a M/L and got a defy 4 or 5 out in that size for me to sit on.
    he said it was right and a M would be too cramped.
    they didn't have a defy 2 m/l in stock so had it shipped up from their warehouse.

    had a bit of a health check at work today and my height is 5' 10" with my shoes on :(
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,225

    According to the Giant sizing chart you are at top end for a medium frame fit, when you go to shop tomorrow I'd ask them to double check their size recommendation and ask them if they have a medium bike in their network that you could try before making your final decision.

    You may well be ok with the M/L it will really depend on your reach, as long as you don't feel too stretched out on the hoods/drops. The only way to know is to sit on both size's if at all possible and do a comparison. I know it must be frustrating with all the delays you have had, however it would be regrettable if you ended up on a bike that was to big for you. :(
  • spoke to the bike fitter there and he sat me on the bike and said m/l was slightly over stretched.
    sat me on a tcr M and it was fine. with it being a different geometry he measured both and he was surprised that the tcr was longer but said it suited me better. he said changing the stem to 90 should be fine but he didn't have one to try.
    I tried a cube peleton which was a 53 frame.
    higher spec wheels and crank but sora instead of tiagra. £20 less.
    very disappointed after all the wait and more confused than ever now hahaha.

    at least I know im a medium in giant defy size now at 5' 10" and didn't end up with the wrong size.

    Called in my lbs. he said straight away I was a medium.
    I bought a defy 1 off him for £700.
    its the blue one with white tape/seat/cables.
    would of prefered black but I think the blue frame is growing on me and i can swop all the white out when needed anyway :D
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,225
    Lambretta that is Interesting,

    So the the fitter in the first shop (Cycle Surgery I recall you said in your other post), was surprised that the TCR in medium frame was longer than the Defy, but fitted you better with a shorter 90mm stem, which they didn't have for you to try. This after you had told them you wanted the Defy for it's Endurance geometry!

    I think you did the right thing walking away from that one, now you've bought from your LBS who sized you correctly and you have ended up with a better specification bike at a good saving. Well done, your patience has paid off.

    Now get out there and get the miles in. :wink:
  • he measured the tcr medium against the defy med/large.
    the tcr was longer . he was surprised but probably because of more aggressive geo.
    he mentioned the shorter stem for the defy but tbh having read on here and elsewhere most people my height have medium/go for smaller frame and the defy sizing says m, I wanted to try the medium .

    I was also set on the defy and am very pleased I've ended up with a defy 1 and a £300 saving, and from my lbs . albeit well over my original budget.
    fitted my spd's , bottle, bag, etc when I got home but no time to ride it unfortunately as im on 12 hour nights :(

    cant wait now :D

    thanks again for the advice.