Long ride checklist?

The Northern Monkey
The Northern Monkey Posts: 19,174
edited October 2012 in MTB general
I know these have been done again and again, but am I missing anything off the list below?

Got our 50 mile charity ride on Saturday so I'm starting to put stuff together :) Its a mixed group that I'll be with, some will turn up with just a bike, helmet and drink so I'm trying to cover all the bases just in case.


Riding Kit
Padded short inner
Riding top
Riding jacket
Gloves + spare
Hydration bladder

Spares + Tools
Shock pump
Wheel pump
Puncture repair kit
Inner tube
Tyre levers
Multitool x2
1st aid kit
Cable ties

Jelly babies
Energy gel



  • Sounds about right with a couple of notes:

    I assume the shock pump, 2nd multitool and spare gloves are in case anyone else has forgotten theirs?

    I'd take 2 tubes, just 'cos it's easy.
    What about riding glasses / lenses?
    Don't forget Split links and a chain splitter if you've not got one on your multitool

    If poss, can you give someone a change of clothes, a damp towel and a bit of grub for the finish line?
  • cool, cheers :)

    Shock pump is for me, RL has air forks so just in case really.
    2x multi tool because one has better Allen keys and the other has a chain tool!
    Spare gloves in case its peeing it down or for anyone else... It's a pretty open route so if its wet it'll be freezing!

    Don't wear glasses while riding, but yeah 2 tubes then!

    Grub will be in the pub after, I'll be on ma tod so might have to ask the Mrs to bring a change!
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Only thing missing on your list is the bike - don't forget it.
    Had a guy turn up without his wheels once - took them off to get the bike in the car, leant them against a wall and...
    I don't do smileys.

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  • mrmonkfinger
    mrmonkfinger Posts: 1,452
    space blanket

    bottle of plonk and a picnic hamper if you have room
  • pilch
    pilch Posts: 1,136
    I presume you will be spreading the kit amongst other people? I've done a few of these now 50/75/100+m one of the problems can be carrying too much gear, I would look at the weather and wear what you would normally ride in those conditions but take a good quality lightweight packable with you.

    Also if you can, pack a much as possible on your bike - strap tubes, pump etc round your seat post:

    These are rather good, used one at Kielder the stuff didn't budge all day

    maybe put a feed pack on your top tube, weight on your bike is more comfortable for an all day ride, a hefty camelback can really take its toll after long hours in the saddle.

    Enough fluid for the distance
    pump; spare inner tubes (even if you run tubeless);
    basic toolkit
    spare brake pads
    space blanket
    windproof jacket/gillet
    spare food

    I would also suggest a crud catcher/neogard... nothing worse than riding round all day in the wet getting mud & shit in your face
    A berm? were you expecting one?

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  • bloghog
    bloghog Posts: 40
    I would add a chain splitter and spare links plus space blanket and if you are riding as a group spread the kit out between you and don't duplicate too much, you probably don't all need to carry a shock pump each for example.
  • Took all of my list in my bag :)

    Ended up riding on my own because the others were far too slow!

    EVOC pack was brilliant, hardly knew it was there!