New member who rides a Hybrid ...sorry

chriseaton Posts: 3
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd wite a post to say hello. 41 years old and have just started riding (again) after quite a break - about 20 years!!!

Bought a Scott Speedster Flat Bar hybrid about 2 years ago on a C2W scheme as I was working within 2 miles of home and promptly got a new job working 70 miles away :?

Anyway having put off the need to shed the spare tyre for long enough I have dusted the bike down and started to ride again. Having 3 young uns under the age of 6, time is of a premium so have only managed 2 rides in the last 7 days. one 9 miles (30 mins) and one 12 miles (50 mins) but it felt great to be out and about and doing something healthy and more importantly enjoyable with the precious spare time. :D

Hopefully this new found enthusiasm will continue and the plan is eventually to trade up from the hybrid to a road bike (when the pennies allow.)

Anyhow, that's me and if anyone is local and fancies dragging me around the lanes of South Norfolk please let me know.



  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    why the sorry?

    both my bikes are flat handlebar types
  • To be honest I'm not sorry at all, however, when I picked the flat bar option I thought I would be using the bike in a mainly urban environment. Now I'm out in the sticks I think drops would have been better.

  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Welcome on board. Nought wrong with a hybrid, I started with one and still use it for pub runs, family trails and 'post injury' rides (happens more often then I would like!).

    If you stick some decent tyres on (if you haven't already) you will be amazed at the difference, same goes for going clipless with some nice, cheap as chips, M520s. Then again, my 3 road bikes are another thing altogether 8)

    South Norfolk? Brrrrr, no hills mate so no interest for me :)
  • I had a Scott Speedster s60 flat bar a few years ago.I was averaging 17mph on 30 mile routes by the time I sold it to help finance the purchase of a road bike.It was a great bike.