Smoking behind the bike sheds

wod1 Posts: 61
edited October 2012 in Commuting general
Does anyone else have an issue with or made any actions about smokers in the bike areas at work?

Our bike racks at work are in the same place outside as the dedicated smoking area. It is also outside the window at my desk. There are about 10 bikes there and it has a glass roof over it. Two people from my office and another maybe 10 from the building smoke, about every 20mins. They dont seem to have any respect for the range of bike sitting there leaning on them, flicking ash on them etc. I have not noticed any damage but it annoys me a lot. I dont think anyone does it intentionally it is all subconscious and not on any one bike in particular. Is this something I should just accept? I dont particularly want to make a fuss especially the people in my office but while my bike isnt super expensive I still want to look after it. Has any one else taken this issue up with their working peers or office management?


  • alan_sherman
    alan_sherman Posts: 1,157
    Talk to them?
  • I had one little git stub his snout out on the top tube on my 'dale when it was a week old.

    Happily, he got sacked a week later being a thief, as well as a disrespectful, presumptuous prick.
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    The covered bike stand where I work is used as an unofficial smoker's shelter. I don't like the fag ends, or the smell of cigarette smoke if people are smoking there as I'm leaving, but other than that they've been pretty much ok. One of my cycling colleagues was a bit annoyed that he ended up with a coffee-cup-ring on his rack, but that was more something we had a laugh about than a real annoyance.

    So basically I broadly share your concerns, but consider it more of a slight irritation than a serious problem.