Do You Frame Tape Your Bike?

5Thumbs Posts: 88
edited October 2012 in Road beginners
I've just bought my first road bike...

Coming from a mountain bike background I would normally put frame tape on the parts most likely to suffer from contact with rocks etc, usually the chain stays and fork legs.

Question: other than specific spots where cable rub is likely do people generally bother to apply frame tape to other areas?


  • Ride hard
    Ride hard Posts: 389
    I'm in the same boat as you after buying my first road bike.

    Being OCD, the only other areas I've covered are the seat tube and seat stays ie the areas that come into contact with my lock and cable when the bike is parked at work.
    Reporter: "What's your prediction for the fight?"
    Clubber Lang: "Prediction?"
    Reporter: "Yes. Prediction"
    Clubber Lang: "....Pain!!!"
  • In the winter, yes, where the temporary mudguards fit on.

    Year round, where the cables could rub the frame, with Lizard skin patches.

    Otherwise no, as its a bike to be ridden and used, not something to be cosseted.
  • Yes - just the common areas of either cable or chain might rub
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • My Cube came taped (transparent "helicopter" tape) on the drive side chainstay, under the downtube and at cable rub points.