Hit by my first car

BigLights Posts: 464
edited October 2012 in Commuting general
What a morning - despite having overwhelming visual firepower (lights) a car decided to sideswipe me on a roundabout this morning. Miraculously, I won! I took out his sidelights, mirror, dented his door and cracked his side window. The bike got off with just a bent wheel and wonky brakes. All seemed incredibly slow motion. Police happened to be driving by shortly after so they stopped - I think it looked more dramatic than it was - bike on its side, glass on the floor, mangled car and me sitting on the wall. The driver was incredibly apologetic, Police insisted on an ambulance check (which came in like 1 minute), no obvious signs of injury, amazing. My right knee hurts a little bit (I think I must have twisted it slightly on the way down so we'll see how it goes today and whether I spend hours in A&E) but otherwise I feel like Ironman or somesuch, looking at the car.


  • ur very lucky to come out with little damage, what lights were u running
  • BigLights
    BigLights Posts: 464
    Yeah tell me about it! I had time to think 'this is going to put a downer on my day'. I'm running an Exposure Maxx-D on the front, and an Exposure Joystick on my helmet. Given the sun had risen they were both on max. They're flipping powerful when on full power.
  • Glad to hear your okay.

    I nearly had something similar a couple of weeks back when approaching a roundabout. Luckily there was loads of traffic already on the roundabout so I was already on the brakes and slowing down, managed to slam the brakes on just in time, inches to spare.

    Some drivers just don't seem to be able to judge the speed of a cyclist ... they give you plenty room when they pull out to overtake, but then seem to cut you up or nearly side swipe you - possibly because when they're looking to see if it's safe to pull back in, you're then in their blind spot. You do develop spidey-senses for this kind of thing though.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Glad you're ok.

    Make sure you actually are fine before you agree to anything in terms of settlement though. I was hit by a car in May and thought I was ok. But found out that riding a bike more than a couple of miles was agony. I've onyl recently started commuting again and it's still painful despite physio.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • daddy0
    daddy0 Posts: 686
    Glad you're OK, tough guy!!!
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Oof... Sorry to hear about that! Yep definitely worth getting checked over in A&E, often injuries only come up hours later or the next day as the adrenaline of the moment masks any pain. What happened exactly?
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  • BigLights
    BigLights Posts: 464
    I think I'll swing by A&E later, see how it goes. It's only my knee that hurts, the rest is fine.

    I was riding down the road, entered a roundabout to go straight on (I have right of way), a car approached from the left, intending on taking his first exit (ie, my second exit or straight on), slowed down, and then floored it at exactly the point I was there. Fortunately it wasn't a proper smack - I turned to try to avoid so it was more of a semi side on collision. I took out his sidelights, mirror, cracked his side window and dented his door. Satisfyingly hardcore, although it was one of those electric car things not a Range Rover.
  • BigLights wrote:
    Satisfyingly hardcore, although it was one of those electric car things not a Range Rover.

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