Club requirements?

Gabbo Posts: 864
edited October 2012 in Amateur race
Are there any requirements in particular you need to meet in order to join/race for a club? I'm relatively new to road cycling and thought whether I'd need to say complete x amount of miles in an x amount of time?

For the mean time, I'm just trying to clock up the mileage. Get some base work in before really attempting the more quality sessions (hill work/intervals etc).


  • andyk19
    andyk19 Posts: 170
    It will depend on the club, the one I used to ride for had no requirements, but some may feel it best to ensure you have some experience before allowing you to ride for them.

    It's a good idea to get comfortable riding in a group before trying your first race though, whether a club requires it or not, as I have seen people with no experience of riding in a group taking part in races and they're a risk to themselves and others. In my opinion this is the most important thing to be good at before taking part in a race.

    I take it that you know that you'll need to get a BC race license and that you'll start as a category 4 racer to begin with?

    Hope that helps.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Clubs in general aren't pro teams and you don't get a contract to ride for them. Most are very happy if a member wants to race in their colours. Find yourself a club that is welcoming and has some racers of all abilities in it so you'll have people to go out and train with. It is VERY important to get used to close and fast group riding, you'll be in bunches when racing where inch's are big gaps. Now at the end of the season so most riders are at their fittest so don't be put off if they seem mega fast now, you'll have the winter to get used to the pace and group riding.
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    You're in London right? You have a choice of dozens of clubs, the vast majority have zero standards on racing, indeed the majority probably only have a small number even racing at all. Ask your local clubs!
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,634
    Just find a club that has a suitable ride for a newcomer (and the opportunity to move up to harder groups as you progress). Most larger clubs will have several group rides of differing ability. If a club insists on you being able to ride a certain speed or distance before joining then find one that is less elitist but it isn't something I have heard of from traditional clubs (rather than amateur racing teams which you generally get invited to join).

    As for racing, get the experience in group riding for a bit and out on faster chain gangs. A licence is sensible if you intend racing regularly but is not essential. BC race memberships include a provisional licence and in lower level (regional) events will enable you to compete by purchasing a discounted day licence, even without BC membership you can purchase a day licence for these events and the Go Race events, which are aimed at people wishing to try out racing, do not require a licence at all. However, if you wish to accumulate points to move up the categories a full licence will be required.