What do you think of an Indoor MTB facility in Greater Manc?

dirtfactory Posts: 14
edited October 2012 in MTB general

Dirt Factory is a social enterprise that offers a unique indoor MTB/BMX experience for the people of Greater Manchester and further a field.

The idea is to cater for all types of off road riders and at different levels, e.g. beginner, itermediate and difficult, just like out door trail centres. Please check out our proposals and follow us on Facebook/Twitter, your support is important.



  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    How far has this progressed beyond a website?
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • WHY WHY WHY...... Did I ask why?

    This is a REALLY stupid idea!
  • anj132
    anj132 Posts: 299
    I would use something like that if it was local. I see it as something like http://www.the-track.co.uk but indoors. Would have to be maaahoosive though.

    But seems a good idea to me.

    Worsecase I'm sure you could sell that domain well in the Crud Catcher
  • Sounds like Ray's, which is apparently real good.

    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/25/us/in ... .html?_r=0
  • So you're introducing a dirt jump spot in a city centre? I think this could be pretty cool. Low rates if in a run down and disused warehouse, no competition... you have to ask if there is actually a dj scene in a city centre, but the i-5 collonade in Seattle is a popular spot. Insurance would be your biggest problem. Offer training days too.
  • milko9000 wrote:
    Sounds like Ray's, which is apparently real good.

    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/25/us/in ... .html?_r=0

    Yeah I was going to say the same thing - think there is another one out west somewhere that Pivot Cycles sponsor - in the right area I think they could be pretty popular - the track in cornwall looks great too not seen that before - good one for BMXers as the local council is pretty lame at doing stuff like that.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • My opinion is anything mtb related added to any area can only be a good thing, get it going. Within say 8-10 miles of the centre there's not much, apart from Prestwich can be good for a buzz around. Saying that they are building a "world class" mtb course at Clayton vale.

    looking at the website properly..it looks more like a indoor dirt jump kind of place, not my thing really, but am still all for it.
  • Bigchris wrote:
    My opinion is anything mtb related added to any area can only be a good thing, get it going. Within say 8-10 miles of the centre there's not much, apart from Prestwich can be good for a buzz around. Saying that they are building a "world class" mtb course at Clayton vale.

    looking at the website properly..it looks more like a indoor dirt jump kind of place, not my thing really, but am still all for it.

    What did you expect a covered trail centre?! :lol:

    It would be good to see a bit of dirt jump, maybe a foam pit and ramps for people to try some bigger jumps without threat, a skills area with ladders, teeter totters, rock sections and so on, maybe a decent sized pump track?
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • I suspect we'd be looking more at an old bus yard or warehouse rather than a purpose built and designed architectural landmark piece! Tried to find a link to the other US winter indoor mtb skills place but had no luck.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • compo
    compo Posts: 1,370
    Thing is, for the entry fee, which I presume there will be, you could get the train from Manchester out to the Peak District, Calder Valley, Delamere, Rivington...
    Lots of different types of riding there too.

    MTFU and don't cry when it rains
  • Hi, thanks guys, your comments are very useful. I have tried to reply to as many points as possible below.

    @cooldad, the business has progressed quite far, we believe in it and are going to give it everything to make it work. We will be applying for funding soon.

    @junglist_matty, care to elaborate on your post, would love to hear your thoughts on why its a bad idea?

    @anj132, good comparisson man, been to the track, awesome place, changed alot since i was there though from looking at the link. @bluechair84, @Bigchris, Dirt Factory intends to cater for everyone, so there will be some knarl and fun features but also there will be green, blue and red type features too - the aim is to provide a progressive facility - and yes with coaching if desired.

    @Bigchris, In all honesty we can not say where its going to be because we dont know, but we have highlighted certain locations, around manchester city center would be cool.

    @paul.skibum, You have hit the nail on the head. This is what we intend to provide.

    Thanks, look forward to more responses, and if you know anybody who might be interested in something like this spread the word. Ta

  • Good luck - it's one hell of a project you are undertaking and one that requires a fair bit of money and support.
    You'll need a backer with deep pockets or a local authority with lots of empty warehouses.
    Back in the day, we tried to get a indoor bmx/skate park going.
    In the end we couldn't get the guaranteed attendance to justify it as a viable business (even to cover costs).

    I hope that you have better luck that we did....
    All the best.

    Edit: Forgot to say - try to find sponsors and get support from bike companies/local bike dealers. You need to make sure that you are supported by the local community and from the riding community in general.
    2007 Felt Q720 (the ratbike)
    2012 Cube Ltd SL (the hardtail XC 26er)
    2014 Lapierre Zesty TR 329 (the full-sus 29er)
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    I wish you luck in raising the money anything to boost cycling is a good thing. However I dont think that sort of money is around at the moment now the National Lottery seems to be only paying for Opera Houses and the like.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • Bigchris wrote:
    apart from Prestwich can be good for a buzz around.

    Is that track in Philips Park Hall finished yet? Went over there a few months back but was work in progress. Reckon a few people will be relieved of their steeds at knifepoint once the Salford boys get wind.

    As for BMX there is one in Heywood but outdoor

  • Bigchris
    Bigchris Posts: 131
    Not been down for a couple of weeks, last time half the trails had been quite heavily damaged by the flood the other month. Still ridable just a few dodgy spots.

    id imagine it will be a few weeks still before they properly open it. There were no signs up or out. Then there going to have to fix all the damage from the flood
  • appy
    appy Posts: 408
    Sounds good to me
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