Fine tuning gears after bedding in.

Gazmanclown Posts: 18
edited September 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi, wonder if anyone can shed some light.
I recently bought a new bike, and after 4 or 5 rides i noticed going up from the smallest front chain ring to the 2nd didn`t work all the time, to get the gear to go up successfully i needed to stretch the gear lever just a tiny bit past the normal setting(as though im gearing up again, but not fully).
I was aware that after bedding in tensions would change so i`m not concerned. I watched a video or 2 on the net showing how to adjust the front derailleur and i`ve just spent half hour or so now fidddling with it.

Problem is, i can get it to switch up fine now after altering gear tension and adjusting low and high limits ever so slightly, how ever now when it sits in the top ring or bottom ring it rubs on the cage in the highest gear or lowest gear, depending how i`ve adjusted it. Ive tried altering everything ever so slightly back and forth. But the only place i can get it comfortably running in all gears without rubbing on the cage, still results in having to stretch the gear change ever so slightly past the 2nd chainring to get it to gear up. Anyone know what it is im missing?


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    the chain will rub if you use unsuitable gear combos.

    re the original problem the stops were nothing to do with it. just tension.
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  • Ok , regarding the tension. Should i literally just pull the cable tighter, or should i actually mover the derailleur ever so lightly before retightening? Ive noticed i can hold the derailleur in a tiny bit on its spring and then re tighten. I only ask because the 1st time i did anything all i did was to pull the cable tighter without moving anything, but it didn`t seem to make a difference regarding shifting
  • benpinnick
    benpinnick Posts: 4,148
    Use the adjuster barrel on the shifters. Keep tuning until good shifting is restored. Its easier (if you can) to do it while riding, as you pedalling effects the gear shifts.
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